It doesn't matter how many goofy cartoons you post.
Originally Posted by Fast Gunn
And it doesn't matter how many times you post affirmations of your goofy Obama idolatry, he's still an abject failure.
Yes, the candidates are -- as you say -- as different as night and day. But that isn't the point of the cartoon, is it? Which is, obviously, that
neither candidate is likely to offer up anything other than simplistic platitudes and talking points aimed at pleasing selected constituencies. We've had a substance-free campaign, and I see no indication that we'll see anything other than substance-free debates.
. . . Four more years!
Originally Posted by Fast Gunn
Four more years of
Reckless, out of control spending leading to structural deficits of about 8% of GDP? Would you like to try to tell us what we're getting for all that money? It sure ain't buying us much of a recovery. Perhaps you can tell us why you think it was wise to stack even more failure atop the fiscal irresponsibility of the Bush era.
And please don't try to tell us that Dodd-Frank was much of an accomplishment. It's little more than a crony capitalist shuffle; 2,300 pages of arcane legalese that does nothing about TBTF and little about the other serious problems presented by excesses in the financial sector. It hardly even rises to the level of being classifiable as "feelgood legislation." Additionally, it hampers prospects for recovery in the small business sector by imposing a far more onerous burden on smaller community banks than on giant institutions. That's one reason the megabanks have gotten even bigger; they've been able to buy assets on the cheap from small banks that could no longer compete.
Although it's clear that Obama has no intention of making anything even remotely serious in the way of tough decisions affecting the economy, I'm not sure that Romney would either. His entire political history shows that his views are quite "flexible", depending on what constituencies he deems it expedient to pander to at any given point in time. The problem is that today we need a tough decision maker willing to risk his political future by stepping on a few toes.
Obama obviously does not fit the bill. Would Romney? Color me skeptical. It's probably a moot point anyway, since the probablity that Romney will be elected isn't very high, and it's dropping fast. So it looks like we'll see four more years of no presidential leadership in a deeply gridlocked and politically dysfunctional nation.
Another good find CM, though I would argue the power to appoint justices to the Supreme Court is still a paramount concern and ideologically and fiscally important.
Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Quite right!
I just thought the piece was sort of funny, since it could be glommed onto by people on both sides of the political divide.