When is it to late to post a review?

nawtybone's Avatar
Just as the title says, when is it to late? I have seen several providers in the last few months, and i just never posted any reviews. Should i feel bad for not doing it? I want to give credit where credit is due. Any suggestions? Plus i didnt want post all these reviews in one day and catch some slack about it either.
ztonk's Avatar
  • ztonk
  • 06-02-2010, 11:22 AM
The short answer is that it is never too late. You could conceivably review a session that happened 10 years ago, provided all parties were of legal age, the account is true, and it doesn't veer into any forbidden subjects.

If you want the review to count toward Premium Access credit here, though, there are a few more rules to follow. I'd suggest taking a look here for details. One of our helpful moderators might jump in, too.
We all get busy. I seldom post a review the same day. I try to do it within a week. Please post them so the rest of use have more information to reference. As a side benefit we can enjoy the reading. I think you will not get BCD credit for the older ones. Maybe a mod. can clarify the parameters for that.
nawtybone's Avatar
Thanks for the great info Ztonk!!
I always finding myself in an interesting dilemma, if I review my favorite provider then she'll become more popular (I can get pretty selfish sometimes), but if I don't review then I'm doing her an injustice.

Usually I review weeks or a month after our date.
Reviews are always wanted and welcome no matter how long ago the activity occurred. The life blood of many hobbiest are reviews.

For Premium Access credit, the activity must have occurred within the past 30 days.
Whispers's Avatar
It is TOO late to post a review of your BAD experience with a lady after some other guy wastes his money seeing her when you could have saved him the bucks by being forthcoming.....

Nothing I hate then see some guy post his bad experience and then seeing 2-3 other guys saying "yeah that happened to me"....

It's too late to post a review of a lady visiting from out of town after she leaves town because she can't get any business..... Your review presented timely might have helped her have a better visit....

ladies change... personalities change..... services change.... Your review is a snapshot of a lady in a certain place and time in her life.... She could be totally different a month from now...

Although it MIGHT NEVER be too late......

It would be GREATLY appreciated and much more graciously received if it was within a few days of the encounter....