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Lynell Milner · Subscribe · Top Commenter · Youngstown, Ohio"Agenda 21 was signed by more than 170 countries, including the U.S."
Agenda 21 has never been ratified by the Congress of the United States. America's participation is the result of George Bush signing Agenda 21 at the 1992 United Nations Conference on Environment and Development in Rio. It is the core of the United Nations Bio-Diversity Treaty. In the United States, the National Coordinating Body is the President's Council on Sustainable Development (PCSD), created by Bill Clinton by Executive Order as an end-run a Congress that that refused to ratify the treaty. All implementation is completely unconstitutional. The Constitution plainly states only Congress shall make the laws and the president shall FAITHFULLY EXECUTE them.
Americans are right to fear the United Nations cramming their agenda down our throats, but it could not be done without the treasonous assistance of our own government.