My 90 day challenge

Guest102312's Avatar
I have decided to do a 90 day body transformation. If there is anyone else who would like to do this we could meet up and go run/jog/walk.

I have decided to do P90X2 for 90 days. I am pretty happy with my size but i think adding muscle definition would make me feel 1000 times sexier.

I guess I started this thread more for a support than anything else. I have heard it is really hard so I know there will be days that are tougher than others. I can come into this thread and get all the support and love that I need.

It would be fun for a group of us to get together and run. Anyone down to do this lets make this happen!!!
PSW1995's Avatar
Good for you!! It is a lot more fun to have a running buddy and safer too...I may holla at you when I get back to Austin... I run my dog twice a day but I would like to have some one to run with as well. Best of Luck!
MARTlAN's Avatar
Im doing insanity right now, but would love to take the challenge with you. You know where to reach me.
Good for you. Kick some ass and take no prisoners. Keep it a consistent balance of eating right, cardio and weights/resistance and you'll see a Huge difference in 90 days. You do need the trio for max benefit though.

Running alone will burn fat and strengthen the heart but won't do much for muscle definition unless of course you've already been resistance training and just need to burn away a surface layer of fat. Also remember to take a photo each week for motivation.

It's always great to hear when somebody decides to take charge and take care of themselves. I don't know you but I'm still proud of you. Way to go!
Moved to proper Forum.

Guest102312's Avatar
Thanks guys.....I am not in bad shape just want some definition and it is never bad to loose a few pounds in return for some sexiness, lol.
Maci I will send u a PM on a few things u need to know. I have to work today so I will not be able to type the PM until Sunday.
Guest102312's Avatar
I appreciate all of your advice, concerns, ect. I will keep everyone updated on how my progress...
ThrillBill88's Avatar
You go girl! You'll find it's worth every bit of time and effort.
Feel free to email me weekly pictures :-) Can't wait to see your hot/hard ass in 90 days.
Don't forget to add some flexibility training into your program. Can't tell you the number of athletic folks I see for massage, especially runners, who never/rarely stretch and get lower back issues from the too-tight hamstrings and such.

Flexibility is underrated. People get back injuries as they age from something as simple as bending over to pick something up off the floor.

I'm doing a 70 day challenge in anticipation of a dream vacation in December. Now that the weather is cooler, I feel more inclined to get outside. Me and Texas summers do not get along well :\
Don't forget to add some flexibility training into your program. Can't tell you the number of athletic folks I see for massage, especially runners, who never/rarely stretch and get lower back issues from the too-tight hamstrings and such.
Flexibility is underrated. People get back injuries as they age from something as simple as bending over to pick something up off the floor. Originally Posted by Datura
Hmm, if memory serves, Maci is quite flexible! You go, Maci! And I'll look forward to seeing the results.

I'm doing a 70 day challenge in anticipation of a dream vacation in December. Now that the weather is cooler, I feel more inclined to get outside. Me and Texas summers do not get along well :\ Originally Posted by Datura
And you go, too! I saw a personal trainer ad today that said 'Strong is the new slim!' I agree. Fit and toned is sexy no matter the body style.
Poet Laureate's Avatar
Listen to Datura on the flexibility issue. I've had three (count em, 1, 2, 3) lower back surgeries, and I've seen lots of folks with back injuries. Flexibility is the key to not hurting yourself, or to having just a muscle strain when it could have been a ruptured disk. Trust me on this, you'd rather give birth than rupture a disk.
Jumping in a little late on this topic, but I haven't been going through eccie as much as I used to. I would like to work out with you when I can. I've been slacking in my exercises and I've been eating McD daily and I've gain some weight. I'm not a cardio fan so having someone to work out with would be great.