Max of Wildflowers is a violent felon and the mods are covering for him!

I posted this a few hours ago and it disappeared from this board. One or more of the mods are covering for the fact that Max of Wildflowers is on parole for armed robbery of a convenience store. Max told me this himself. He also told me that tC2 and CK1942 are his business partners.
Don't let them take down this post because everyone is corroborating this. Max is dangerous and will rob you, take your money, or turn you into the police if he thinks it will keep him out of prison. He's still on parole.
Ranchhand's Avatar
I dont know Max, but he did make me laugh tonight. I thank him for that. By the way, your earlier post didnt disappear, take a look at the coed section. Its still there.
barrister's Avatar
I just tried posting to the first alert which was moved but the mods have closed it after only six posts.

Max then started his own thread so he can accuse others of lying, so I posted there instead.

There's a lot of accusation by him regarding who's doing the posting about his background exactly because he can't defend the facts of it.
Whispers's Avatar
I posted this a few hours ago and it disappeared from this board. One or more of the mods are covering for the fact that Max of Wildflowers is on parole for armed robbery of a convenience store. Max told me this himself. He also told me that tC2 and CK1942 are his business partners. Originally Posted by everyman
That has been floating around for awhile.....

Max invoked both those names more than once in exchanges we had over at the P....
Who fucking cares. I don't trust any of you people male or female (Or both in Carl's case.). Honestly I thinck that is not a bad policy.
johnnyboy's Avatar
When I was a regular of Max he told me the same thing about CK and tC2. That's not to say it's true, because a lot of what he says in self-praise and importance turns out to be untrue, but it was he told me. All I can say is he seemed to get a lot of cooperation from aspd in whatever city he showed up in, and he in turned praised them a lot. I just wish before any board gives a provider such access that they do a criminal check so they are not exposing their members and girls to hard-core career crimanal types. I think a criminal check is not too much to ask given what we are doing here.
By the letter of the law, we are all criminals. So who would be left to run the ship?
Carl's Avatar
  • Carl
  • 06-03-2010, 03:39 PM
Who fucking cares. I don't trust any of you people male or female (Or both in Carl's case.). Honestly I thinck that is not a bad policy. Originally Posted by Big Jake
Is that why you keep flirting with me so shamelessly? You think I'm a tranny? That explains a lot. Good thing you haven't mistaken me for a Caprine-American. Otherwise, I'd probably be stump-broke by now and walking funny.
ad1179's Avatar
anyone who uses an agency is a CHUMP anyways IMHO especially knowingly and when there's plenty others out there
yeah I saw agency girls in my early days when i was a newb, but quickly wisened up instead of giving away hundrends of dollars to other middlemen c**ks; never gonna be 'in love' w/ a mass provider that can do what no other, dime/dozen can
ck1942's Avatar
c'mon! gimme a break!

ck1942 has never had any financial interest in any part of the hobby. Period. Other than the traditional "work for hire" or "advances against future services" or (lapsed judgments) loans which turned out to be "gifts" that cannot be written off taxes as uncollectible.

"ck1942 " is quite often used or mis-used, as case may be, quite often by folks who have had zero in-person contact with me except for an e-mail or two, or a post in one of their threads.

Those who have first-person knowledge of mis-used, as claimed in posts above, are invited to send me tangible proof of same. Tangible proof is e-mail, posts, tape-recordings.

Other than that, see the opening line of this post.
nuglet's Avatar
Well "CK", I can't believe you've got the nerve to pop in here. I guess it's appropriate considering the subject.
I've had personal contact with you and know you for who/what you are.
You and I both know your propensity for wandering quite a way of the straight path. As for having no financial interest... that's a laugh.
It's too funny that you even define "tangible proof" so you can't be proven wrong. Tangible proof in the form you demand probably isn't available since the old site is gone. And I'm not saying you are un-intelligent, you know better than to leave an evidence trail. But it was there. And the email wasn't TO you, it was FROM you. I'm sure you remember your little stunt don't you?
You really don't want to open your yap and start this. "period"
You may justify playing the poor, taken advantage of, Victim, in your little world, but some of us know you for who and what you are.
Anyone that didn't kiss your ass and bow to the East for you, was declared an enemy, and your sycophants would fall in line, when you had the hammer. Now that you don't have the power, you can see where that got you.
You've told so many lies for your own benefit that if you were Pinocchio, you'd fall over from the weight of the nose. You have no place to whine about being used or misused. You tried to run another site by force, intimidation and innuendo. Your underhanded tricks won't fly here.
GneissGuy's Avatar
Personally, I would like to thank everyone who has posted an alert on themselves in this and other threads recently.

SPAs (Self Posted Alerts) are one of the most valuable things on ECCIE. For some reason, lots of the psychos simply can't keep their inner psycho away from the keyboard when they post.

Ladies and guys, you should make quick mental notes of the SPAs. A very large percentage of the time, when someone has a problem with another member, the problem could easily have been avoided if the victim had simply kept an eye on the SPAs posted by the aggressor.
Don T. Lukbak's Avatar
Yup, this thread is a veritable compendium of psychopathology.

oops. How'd I get here? This is embarrASSing.
nuglet's Avatar
welcome aboard GG...
yep, just us and the crickets...................... ....
Guest092815's Avatar
I thought you trusted ME, Big Jake. I guess I was wrong.
I trust Carl, that I am sure of.

I did not intend to hijack this thread, but I can't seem to delete my post entirely. Pls forgive.