The Democrats have a wishlist for January

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
If in the unlikely event that Obama recieves a second term the democratic is putting together a wish list.

Some want to get back to making illegals legal.

Some want to recognize climate change as being real (though the evidence is against them now) and pass energy laws.

Some say they want to create jobs though why they haven't been working on that for the last three years is beyond me.

Some want Obama "to start" on healthcare. So I guess Obamacare is just a start.

Forgotten has been the middle east, Afghanistan, Iran, China, Russia, terrorism, and the instability of Europe.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
JD, would you have the next President pull us out of Afghanistran on the same time table, accelerate the removal of our people, or increase the numbers of trops?

What would you want the course of action for the next President to be in regards to Iran.

What would you have the next President do in the middle east?

My answer to #1 is to accelerate the removal of our people.

#2 is much more difficult. Following what we normally do which is topple the leader, occupy and rebuild is something we do not have the money to do. In addition, how dop you topple the Idol Muhammed and his cohort Allah. These people a religious fanatics that are not going to throw off the bondage of their religion.

#3 see #2.
JD can sling a lot of do do but has few answers for improvement...
joe bloe's Avatar
If in the unlikely event that Obama recieves a second term the democratic is putting together a wish list.

Some want to get back to making illegals legal.

Some want to recognize climate change as being real (though the evidence is against them now) and pass energy laws.

Some say they want to create jobs though why they haven't been working on that for the last three years is beyond me.

Some want Obama "to start" on healthcare. So I guess Obamacare is just a start.

Forgotten has been the middle east, Afghanistan, Iran, China, Russia, terrorism, and the instability of Europe. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Obama's number one priority is to finish crashing the economy. After that, his options are increased tremendously. Obama wants people to be scared and desparate. The completion of the Fundamental Transformation can only be done with consent that would not be given under normal circumstances.

The Great Depression created conditions that allowed FDR to implement the New Deal, which was a blatant violation of the Constitution.

Germany's bankruptsy following WWI set the stage for dictatorship (Hitler). The chaos that followed the French Revolution set the stage for dictatorship (Napoleon).

If America has a complete economic collapse in the next four years and Obama is president, our freedom is in grave danger.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Again, another idiotic statement.

Why would any president want to destroy his country.

You're not just an idiot. You're probably an asshole too.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Obama's number one priority is to finish crashing the economy. After that, his options are increased tremendously. Obama wants people to be scared and desparate. The completion of the Fundamental Transformation can only be done with consent that would not be given under normal circumstances.

The Great Depression created conditions that allowed FDR to implement the New Deal, which was a blatant violation of the Constitution.

Check. Why is that effete socialist snob FDR so universally praised? FDR started "Big Social Democratic Government" and it did not bring the Country out of the Great Depression as many claim.

Germany's bankruptcy following WWI set the stage for dictatorship (Hitler). The chaos that followed the French Revolution set the stage for dictatorship (Napoleon).

Check. Those who ignore History are doomed to repeat it's mistakes. In Hussein's case he's counting on it.

If America has a complete economic collapse in the next four years and Obama is president, our freedom is in grave danger. Originally Posted by joe bloe
It already is, but it can get worse. Much Worse.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
The answer to why Obama would destroy this nation would be that so he can make the fundamental changes that he so desires.
Obama would prefer to "remake" America without destroying it BUT,, that nasty old Constitution gets in his way.

I think it is time to replace Obama with somebody that believes that America is great and could be even better if it were not for the liberals.
TexTushHog's Avatar
From your lips to God's ears. Unfortunately, the President isn't liberal enough, or smat enough, to go along.
They want their Supermajority back that they frittered away in 2009-2010...