Hey, Republicans! The Problem May be the MESSAGE, Not Just the Messenger

In my opinion, this is pretty much a spot on set of observations by Peter Morici, a University of Maryland professor:


As the author notes, Obama at least promises to appeal to voters' desires for a greater sense of "social justice", even though he obviously has failed to articulate an effective plan for fixing anything. But neither has Romney, and that may be why he's losing.

It isn't good enough to simply offer another set of unsustainable promises. He won't even give us details concerning what tax loopholes he intends to close for high income earners in return for lowering the statutory rate, and that's costing him heavily. It makes it easy for Obama to charge that he'll need to raise taxes on the middle class to make up the shortfall. The campaign ads practically write themselves. In a number of ways, Romney needs to put some more "meat on the bones."

If both candidates offer nothing more than simplistic platitudes, which is obviously the case, the one who promises the most goodies to the largest number of voters will win by default.
markroxny's Avatar
but fail to grasp that the basic GOP message—lower taxes, deregulation and free trade—is unappealing to voters scarred by the Great Recession and corporate abuses.
treatises on where the real destruction of our economy had its genesis and how liberal policies and the over reach of government has created the mess, not just we, but the world, finds itself in is hard to convey to people who merely want to have a beer, their next orgasm and can't tell you who the vice-president of the united states is.

but the people do know they dont plan on paying their student loans or they know all their sick days they will get paid for when they retire at 50, being busy all day at "work" in some government job adding up their days and multiplying by some imagined pay rate.

the dynamic of election, voting, passing laws that "help" people so the votes and money keep coming back and you get re-elected, coupled with true beleivers in socialism doing their wicked part is a lernaean hydra that may only die when its host completely gasps its last shudddery breath.

its difficult to do the right thing up until the time comes where there is no other option but the right thing.

the media certainly doesnt help as it is merely the footman holding the frock coat and top hat of this withery doctor doom.

this election may be our penultimate chapter

yeah romney has a herculean labor.
joe bloe's Avatar
The course of action that's necessary to save the country (severely cutting entitlement spending) is not politically sellable. We're watching Europian countries implementing austerity programs, after their economies are already ruined. They would be infinitely better off if they had cut back on social welfare spending ten years ago.

If 51% of the people won't vote to pull up from the nose dive we're in, we are going to crash; I believe that's just what is going to happen. The American people are like lemmings following the Europians over the cliff. (I realize that's a mixed metaphor; I couldn't resist.)

We have met the enemy and it is us.
joe bloe's Avatar
treatises on where the real destruction of our economy had its genesis and how liberal policies and the over reach of government has created the mess, not just we, but the world, finds itself in is hard to convey to people who merely want to have a beer, their next orgasm and can't tell you who the vice-president of the united states is.

but the people do know they dont plan on paying their student loans or they know all their sick days they will get paid for when they retire at 50, being busy all day at "work" in some government job adding up their days and multiplying by some imagined pay rate.

the dynamic of election, voting, passing laws that "help" people so the votes and money keep coming back and you get re-elected, coupled with true beleivers in socialism doing their wicked part is a lernaean hydra that may only die when its host completely gasps its last shudddery breath.

its difficult to do the right thing up until the time comes where there is no other option but the right thing.

the media certainly doesnt help as it is merely the footman holding the frock coat and top hat of this withery doctor doom.

this election may be our penultimate chapter

yeah romney has a herculean labor. Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
So, what do you think the last chapter will be? Reagan said a thousand years of darkness. That sounds about right.

I like the references to Greek mythology; those guys figured out all the important stuff a long time ago. The ancient Greeks believed that powerful people are destroyed by hubris; maybe that will be Obama's Achilles heel.
So, what do you think the last chapter will be? Reagan said a thousand years of darkness. That sounds about right. Originally Posted by joe bloe
i'd like to think the american people are better than what the polls show

at least 51% of the voting american people.

i am a day dreamer though
joe bloe's Avatar
I hope you're right.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
Hell You could probably get more than half of the people to eat shit if the right person told them it was good for them.
Hell You could probably get more than half of the people to eat shit if the right person told them it was good for them. Originally Posted by The2Dogs
Obunghole did and they seem to like it. Soon the corn and peanuts will be gone.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 10-01-2012, 08:44 PM
Hell You could probably get more than half of the people to eat shit if the right person told them it was good for them. Originally Posted by The2Dogs
Or drink tea. You nuts do not even halfway get the gist of the article. Shame really...
A lot of people on both sides do not "even halfway" get the gist of the article.

As Morici and a number of others have noted on many occasions, Obama has not fixed the most critical issues facing the economy. In fact, he hasn't even tried to do so, and has made an already bleak fiscal outlook markedly worse.

But Romney has not even remotely attempted to outline a bold agenda for effective financial regulation, sustainable budgeting practices, politically practicable tax reform, or much of anything else. When pressed for specifics, he and Paul Ryan dance a little sidestep.

Obviously, the tough choices inherent in such a bold agenda involve stepping on some toes, and that's not much of a way to forge an electoral majority.

But sooner or later, perhaps after the inevitable fiscal crisis, someone's going to have to do it. We can begin making adjustments now and set a course toward a gradual return to fiscal sanity, or we can continue to kick the can down the road and hope for the best.

I'm concerned that the latter choice will lead to much more economic pain over the next decade.
Iaintliein's Avatar
My opinion all along is that Hussein may destroy the country but Mittens may not save it. Mittens talks about promoting energy independence (IMHO becoming a net exporter of energy is one of only two ways out of this mess), but I simply don't believe he's any more truthful than Hussein.
Randy4Candy's Avatar
[B]The course of action that's necessary to save the country[/B][/COLOR] (severely cutting entitlement spending) is not politically sellable. We're watching Europian countries implementing austerity programs, after their economies are already ruined. They would be infinitely better off if they had cut back on social welfare spending ten years ago.

If 51% of the people won't vote to pull up from the nose dive we're in, we are going to crash; I believe that's just what is going to happen. The American people are like lemmings following the Europians over the cliff. (I realize that's a mixed metaphor; I couldn't resist.)

We have met the enemy and it is us. Originally Posted by joe bloe;1051678872[COLOR=blue
Why don't you and your TeaParrotriot bros and bro-ettes go first? You know, be the test cases. Report back to us in about 5 years.