Withhold the LOVE

Hey there,

Was watching TV last night and the catch phrase of the evening was "Withhold the Love".........and well it got me to thinking.

How do you guys feel.....would you rather your provider to be overly friendly, loving up on you and hugging non stop....or would you rather have someone that is a bit more reserved. I don't mean cold or unattached ( Robot like)....but rather teases you and makes you work for it.

I also realize the connection between a regular and someone you have never seen before are...well.....two different things.

But in general what do you expect/ hope for?
When you're on the clock there's no time for all of that.

If a provider is willing to play the "Win me over" game without starting the clock until the BCD begins then I'm sure you'll find many takers.

I'm sure it's a great way for a provider to get some nice gifts over and above the session fee as presents are often part of the game.

I would not be interested as there's NO short supply of that in the real world where you don't have to pay for the prize itself. What is the point of the game if you've already paid to win?
Overall, the level of engagement and energy is what counts in my book.

I view 'reserved' as taking things slow and being seductive, and 'friendly' as a personal, intimate experience. So to answer the question, I'd prefer to start reserved and work up to friendly.

Some people just want BNG. I want a memorable experience on multiple levels.
over friendly seems fake and cold and reserved seems like they do not want to be there or dislike me in some fashion ( yes i know hard to believe)
so for me a happy medium is what I like

( ;
GneissGuy's Avatar
Respond back in kind. If I'm touchy feely, go along. If I'm chatty, go with that. If I'm "hurry up and get the job done," go that way.
endurance's Avatar
It's going to be different for everyone, no?

The most important thing is that the lady plays the fantasy role that the customer is expecting and to stay engaged - even if that means some playing hard to get.

There are times when I think it would be hot to have a girl raping me and other times when it's cool to be with someone that you think for an hour could have been a gf if things were a little different.
Withhold the love. For about 2 minutes! Then, let's go.

Seriously, I've had some providers over my time in the hobby that don't watch the clock, and are totally ok with easing into things. I don't know if that's withholding necessarily, but it is a nice tease to sit and chat for 30 minutes or so.
TGF's Avatar
  • TGF
  • 10-07-2012, 10:32 PM
I will take the overly friendly, loving me up, and hugging non- stop everyday thank you - an old fashion make out and petting session is a great way to start a marvelous session.

Poet Laureate's Avatar
Don't withhold anything. I just got out of a twenty year marriage and fifteen were withhold the love. The last thing I want to do when I see a provider is to have to wait for it. I prefer women who take charge in the beginning, then gradually back off to let me take over.