I love giving massages. And am damn good at it. And some men came while still on their stomach. Which was a compliment in it's own way.

But some men, simply don't like all the the hands on touching. Not just because they may be ticklish. But because some simply aren't into being touched by women, outside of getting fucked. AND also, some don't like the smell or feel of certain oils on their skin. Some fear it'll be still be on them, long after they showered. Yes, these concerns have been mentioned to me. They're not *guesstimations on my part*.
So I'm not offended in the least if someone doesn't wish to enjoy a massage. To each their own.
But for me, I want the manly hands on my skin. The stronger the massage. The better. Especially, now since I've done a heck of a lot of lifting over the course of the last week/weekend, helping a friend move.
If you opt to give massages. the best, non smelling, feels like silk, oil to use. It Eros Body glide. It's not just for intimate acts. It's amazing for giving massages. Leaves NO scent whatsoever and it will leave his/her skin feeling soft.
Ok I have started offering massages,(offcourse candles) everywhere for you gentlemen but some do not want a massage before the session, so hmmm got me thinking as to why some dont want one, does a massage get you too relaxed and affraid you might pass out or something else lol? I have had some who enjoyed it very much and so my thoughts to you are would you like to recieve a massage or pass it up, your thoughts please? When Im in Tampa almost all the guys requested a massage before hand.... and loved it...
Well for those of you with backpains or tension hey I would love to massage you and get you relaxed you can reach me and make it happen for you...
. let the thougts begin!!!
Originally Posted by mirandalee