It is a given that it takes 150,000 to 180,000 new jobs every month to just stay even. Last month we added 114,000 jobs and unemployment drops .3% to 7.8%. Does this make any sense mathematically? So now we are to believe that 1+1= 2.7? We know that real unemployment is double digits and we can argue if it is 11% or if it is 19% but it is not anywhere near 8%. Then we remember that these numbers come from the Labor Department. Who runs the Labor Department? That's right, Obamatons. This is not partisan, this is math. A month from now those numbers will be corrected upward on a Friday afternoon and no one will notice.
Just let me leave you with this, they think that you are so stupid that you will suspend your common sense and believe their spiel. That is how much regard they have for you.