V3Solar 'Spin Cell' The Most Efficient Energy Under The Sun

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V3solar Spin Cell Videos

V3solar is a USA company with its Head Office in Los Angeles, California and its R & D laboratory in Ashland, Oregon. V3solar has invented, and is now in the process of commercializing, the first major technology change the solar industry has witnessed in over 30 years – the V3 Spin Cell.

Using specialized lensing and a rotating, conical shape, the Spin Cell is expected to generate a net improvement of up to 5X more electricity from a given amount of land versus conventional static methods. This innovation is also expected to increase the Power Density and lower the Total Cost of Ownership.

The Spin Cell is currently undergoing refinement and cost analysis at a Californian based industrial design house as a precursor to going into production. The Company is also engaged in negotiations with potential licensees in both the United States and abroad for high volume manufacturing of the Spin Cell.


V3solar invents and designs innovative solar products based on its core Spin Cell patent pending technology. These products will be distributed through strategic partnerships with selected manufacturers and value-added resellers throughout the world.

Energy is the largest market in the world – $5.8 trillion in 2011. V3Solar will quickly penetrate both the industrial and developing markets with our simple value proposition:

Spin Cell Benefits

Increased energy harvesting through dynamic flash rate
Increased Power Density
Lower Total Cost of Ownership
Flexibility of DC or AC output (with the option to remove the inverter).
Closer to an electric generator than a flat, static solar panel, the V3 Solar Spin Cell lowers the Total Cost of Ownership while increasing the “energy density”, or the amount of power generated in a given footprint. This opens up new and significant market opportunities.

V3Solar’s mission is to invent, manufacture, and distribute innovative solar technology that serves humanity.

We do that through strategic partnerships with selected manufacturers as well as working with our value-added resellers throughout the world.


Look Out Silver, Here Comes Solar Demand
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It will be interesting to know what the total cost of ownership including installation, maintenance and life expectancy will be.