fantasizing .....

DallasRain's Avatar
Have you ever fantasized about a hobbyist/provider when you were having sex with your spouse??

{Does your spouse know? And if they know,do you fantasize about it together?}

What is your favorite fantasy scenerio when having sex {with hobbyist/provider/spouse??}
cumalot's Avatar
Hell yes, who wouldn't fantasize after being with Dallas Rain and Ms Athena. You guys make a deep impression that keeps on impressing in the RL. I think the SO even benifits from it.
houston_switch's Avatar
Having two women with me... daty one, while the other spanks my butt cheeks. Rest and repeat with women swapping positions... This may have to be a birthday gift to myself next month.
Can't say I have fantasized about having sex with a provider during sex with my wife, but I have relived sessions and fantasized about the next session many times in the middle of the night while I was lying next to her
austin_191967's Avatar
People get to have sex with their spouse??? WTF?
Willen's Avatar
I echo Austin. I'd fantasize about sex with my SO, never mind about a 3rd party.
DallasRain's Avatar
lol--yall silly guys!

{awww thanks Cumalot/....I luv ya}
Willen's Avatar

Having had an out of this world experience with DR, I do feel I'm in a position (and there were many, by the way) to contradict her Those of us who are open to all sorts of BCD activities may feel that way in part because our SOs were unwilling to engage in BCD stuff in any form at all. But, to her credit, she did give me the OK to play discretely.
DallasRain's Avatar
thanks Willen!

I was just wondering because my SO and I fantasize about certain celebrities soetimes during sex.......................and there is a certain "hobby hubby" on here who I always fantasize about{he did a mfm with my SO and I}
Willen's Avatar
I suspect that if you partner reminds you of someone famous, or even if you go into the encounter with a fantasy about doing it with "X", you'll think of them. Fine. If DR goes crazy with me because somehow she confuses me with Colin Ferrell (happens all the time) or Anne Hathaway (happens way less often), and I enjoy her frenzy--well, hot damn.

No. If a Provider were to provide sex that bland & boring I'd ask for a refund.
DallasRain's Avatar
No. If a Provider were to provide sex that bland & boring I'd ask for a refund. Originally Posted by txcwby6
FishGuy13's Avatar
YES, when I'm not with a provider I am asexual ie solo sex only!