Viva la Difference!

HoustonMilfDebbie's Avatar
Definition of "Democracy":

Definition of "Imperialism":

Never forget:

U.S. president Abraham Lincoln (1809-1865) defined democracy as:

«Government of the people, by the people, for the people»

We have the right to choose!
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
I'm not sure you even understand your own "point" though I like your avatar. The founding fathers hated the idea of democracy did you know that. They felt that it was mob rule and that was why the Constitution and reverance for it was so important. I think you missed the part about "eligible citizens" and voting. We do not have a right to vote in this country. Originally only male, property owners could vote and I guess you could call that democracy but it wasn't. Evenutally voting was opened to men without property (you still need soldier to fight for the country) and since it was a state rights issue even free black men could vote. Later some states added women to the list and even native Americans. The federal government caught up in the 20th century with several voting right amendments. The last group who were allowed to vote were 18-21 year olds because of Vietnam. There is nothing to stop a moment to restrict voting and it would be American to do so. We call it a right nowadays without thinking about it but since it can be taken away by law or corrupt officials (like Wisconsin) you can't really call it a right and be accurate.

Maybe you can enlighten the rest of us as to what your cut and paste means or what you intended.
You like the MILF's avatar JD? Well look just above it where it says " Verified Psycho" Iam surprised you missed that. I think that could very well be the jist of some of her postings with this cut and paste bullshit . Don't expect her to reply to your post. I've yet to see her do that. Anyway just trying to help ya out. Don't waste your time trying to figure out this head case or the reasons for any of her postings.
Definition of "Democracy":

Definition of "Imperialism":

Never forget:

U.S. president Abraham Lincoln (1809-1865) defined democracy as:

«Government of the people, by the people, for the people»

We have the right to choose! Originally Posted by HoustonMilfDebbie
I wonder if President Loncoln envisioned this.