NC/NS BP Sasha

Old Horn Dog's Avatar
Called her even though I'd seen some not-so-great reviews of her here (said she rushed), etc., because I'd recently seen someone post in a message thread that he had a good experience with her. I thought, "OK--smokin' hot young black spinner. Good deal." She posted "low rates" in her ad the night I called her. I called & asked, and she quoted me $150 for the hour. While that is very reasonable, I never make a first appointment for longer than 30 mins. I asked about that, and she said she wasn't doing half-hours that night. I told her I understood & that was fine & to have a good night. 2 secs. later she calls back, lots of loud male voices in the background, and says she can do a half-hour for 100. I told her it would take me 20 mins. to get there. I call when I get to the parking lot. No answer. Calls are not going through--I suspect she's disconnecting them. I send a text. No answer. Give up after 30 mins. of holding my dick in my car. I truly hate that. Went to Hong Kong instead--there were just no great options that night but it beat sitting in my car for someone who decided she really didn't want to do a half-hour session after all. Link to her ad is below; same pics. & phone she's been using for awhile--that has not changed.
Old Horn Dog's Avatar

Pics might be more helpful than just the link.
nsuwoodrebel's Avatar
Thanks for the info, i was thinking of giving her a call. What is Hong Kong?