Real massage schools

Carl's Avatar
  • Carl
  • 10-14-2012, 02:21 AM
Hey, does anybody know if any of the therapeutic massage schools in Austin ever need any volunteer practice subjects? Or offer discounted services by a supervised student the way barber/beauty schools do?
To get their license, all of the students have to have a minimum number of practice sessions before they can take their test. They give discounted sessions but I have never had one that was supervised. Google the local schools and see if you can add your name to the list. I have always been contacted by the student who needs the 'practice'.

DainBramaged's Avatar
Each student has to complete 50 hours of "internship" before they can graduate. Since the student isn't licensed and therefore neither the student or the school can profit from it, the schools typically charge a minimum fee for these massages to cover laundry, supplies, etc. And the massages are not typically supervised, only that you're asked to complete a "review" afterwards for the student's intern logbook.

As G suggested, contact the local massage schools and ask them about getting on the list for intern massages.
Carl's Avatar
  • Carl
  • 10-14-2012, 11:59 AM