Welcome to the Recovery: 2012 may be the worst non-recession, non-depression year in the history of the United States

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
I know, it's Bush's fault.

There have been worse years for the American economy than this one, of course. For example: 2009, 1982, the entire 1930s.

But those years occurred during official recessions or the Great Depression. Right now we are supposed to be in the third year of a recovery.

But look how 2012 is shaping up: After a weak 2011 when GDP growth was just 1.8%, this year’s growth rate looks even weaker. Today the Commerce Department revised second-quarter GDP growth to just 1.3% (1.25%, actually). As a result, many banks are now looking for growth of around 1.5% for the rest of the year — with plenty of downside risk. Full year GDP might be less than 1.5%, putting the economy at heightened risk of falling back into recession.

And at the same time, unemployment remains stuck above 8%, and the labor force remains so shrunken that JPMorgan recently said “that there has been essentially no progress in repairing the labor market after the recent downturn.”

Given anemic growth and a dead-in-the-water labor market, could it be that this is the worst non-recession, non-depression year in modern U.S. economic history? Maybe even since the birth of the Republic?

Quite possibly. Here is my evidence:

– Commerce Department data goes back to 1930. Since then, there has been no single year with GDP growth as weak as 2012 that wasn’t in recession.

– The United States has not had this sustained level of 8%-plus unemployment since the Great Depression.

So based on those two data points, this is certainly the weakest non-recession, non-depression year since 1930, with the only year close being 2011!.

But what about earlier than that? Well, the data gets a little tricky. But here is what I have determined.

– 8% or higher unemployment is very rare before 1930 during times of generalized growth. For instance, from 1869 to 1899, there was only one year where unemployment averaged 8%. And there is also evidence that unemployment below 5% was typical earlier in America’s history. Also keep in mind that labor force participation from 1850- 1920 among males was around 90%. Today, labor force participation is around 64%. So it is rare that so many people who want jobs are idle, as is the case today.

– As far as GDP growth goes, let’s break it down by decades. From 1790-1810, U.S. economic growth averaged about 5% a year. From then to the Civil War, it averaged around 4%. Same for the post-Civil War era through 1900. Then until 1930, growth averaged between 2% to 3%.

My conclusion: If you combine high unemployment, low labor force participation, and slow GDP growth, 2012 might well be the worst non-recession, non-depression year in the history of the United States. The only other challenger is 2011. Or maybe next year …

To see the graph, click here:

If Obama gets a 2nd term; we are in for rough sledding. Obama intends to structurally change our economy so post-Obama corrections can't happen, or take decades to undo !

He has already signaled his intent to redistribute the wealth of the white suburbs (i.e. Middle Class Americans).

Randy4Candy's Avatar
Well, geniuses, you might refer back to1935 and 1936 during the Great Depression. What we've got here, boys, is a near depression, if not an actual depression, just not as Great as the last one. Guess Cheney/Bush weren't as good as Coolidge/Hoover.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
So, are you recommending a World War to lift us out, RaggedyAndy? That's what FDR accomplished.
Randy4Candy's Avatar
Just the facts, ma'am. Malleable Mitt and Junior Ryan seem to be barking up that tree Whinedaddy.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Obama is right there with them, RaggedyAndy.
WWIII is inevitable. The stage has already been set, it's only a matter of time. Way to many mistakes in the past decade.
Randy4Candy's Avatar
LOL, getcher bibbles out, fellers, it's called Armageddon. Well, that is, if the Mayans don't beat 'em to it. Maybe we ought to shave Malleable Mitt's and Junior's heads and start looking for what equals 18.
LOL, getcher bibbles out, fellers, it's called Armageddon. Well, that is, if the Mayans don't beat 'em to it. Maybe we ought to shave Malleable Mitt's and Junior's heads and start looking for what equals 18. Originally Posted by Randy4Candy
Haha, I think your search should start with the positions of power that are already in place.
Randy4Candy's Avatar
Haha, I think your search should start with the positions of power that are already in place. Originally Posted by acp5762
He doesn't fit the profile, acpwipe.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
I do not have to look at a chart or read a news report; this is absolutely the worst year ever for my company. Our volume is down and so are the profits. I don't see it getting much better under this administration.
Nobody wants to invest because they do not believe they will make a return on their investment under this administration. They don't know if they should buy new machines or limp along with what they have.
It sucks.

I sure hope we get us a new leader that understands what it takes for a business to not only survive, but to prosper and grow. This w one sure doesn't have a clue.
TheDaliLama's Avatar
FDR made it "The Great Depression" with his failed policies/

Just like BHO has made this "The Great Recession"
The Conservative, Paulian and NeoCon bullshit on this thread is stifling!
He doesn't fit the profile, acpwipe. Originally Posted by Randy4Candy
Yeah he fits the profile.
checking the stock markers,the rich got richer