A Thief Among Us

This past Friday evening, approximately $1,200 was stolen from me by another well-known provider, Adrianna xo. She was someone that I trusted implicitly & I considered to be a very good friend. I am still extremely upset about it.

Adrianna, Sydney & I went out for a drink this past Friday. We departed from my house at around midnight. Towards the end of the evening, at approximately 3am, she asked me to borrow my car keys to get a personal item out of the cab of my car. I had placed my money in the trunk of my car when we left my house, three hours prior. I left the bar with Sydney a couple of minutes after Adrianna went to my car with the keys... and in the parking lot we walked up on her and caught her in front of my open trunk. The money was askew and out of it's original location and container. She had no reason to even be in the trunk of my car – her items were in the cab. She was also the only person that had access to my keys and subsequently, to the trunk of the car. Sydney Pure also witnessed her standing in front of my open trunk, although Sydney did not realize the significance at the time, because she did not know that I had put the money in there.

I've asked Adrianna to return my money several times – and I warned her that if she didn't, I would post an alert about it. She has refused to return the money, and continued to deny that she took it. But I am 100% certain that she did. She has even threatened me that "I will regret it if I post anything that damages her reputation."

I have debated back and forth for a couple of days about whether to remain silent, and avoid the drama & possible retaliation – or come forward with the truth, in an attempt to help others avoid a similar situation with her.

I personally feel that this is definitely a serious issue and needs to be addressed. I cannot continue to ignore it because my silence will more than likely detrimentally affect others in the hobby, due to her presence as a VP. I'm sure there are some members here that will point a finger and accuse me of "drama" – but I feel that my responsibility to share this info with Eccie members outweighs the potential of me being labeled as dramatic.

I advise extreme caution on any interactions you might have with her. I've learned my lesson, for sure! I will definitely be a lot more discriminating about who I befriend and trust in the future.
So sorry that happened to you Ginger! I know u cared for her a lot and it really is a shame that people don't always treat you as well as you treat them!
Wakeup's Avatar
This is awesome in toast...
Ginger, I am so sorry to hear this as well! I do thank you for the heads up. I know that one should not let their guard down in this arena, but sometimes you want so badly to see the good in those around you. I too have the naive feeling that there are others out there like me that enjoy the hobby that are good, upstanding individuals as well. I wish you luck and sincerely hope (though not putting any money on it) that this works itself out the right way.
Personally if I thought that someone stole something from me, I would deal with it through private channels. I see no reason that accusations such as this should be aired in public.
rajbhai's Avatar
Oops Double Post.
rajbhai's Avatar
I absolutely agree with Ginger. I have had the same experience with Adrianna but from a Hobbyist point of view. I paid her in advance for a date she never gave me.

On Sunday August 19th Adrianna sent
"I REALLY need your help, I was hoping you could money gram me my donation for our appt tomorrow. Someone stole my wallet from the bar last night and of course the banks are closed I also would've asked my father but he has an 18 hr drive to Virginia. You can do it all from your computer it's very simple. I had no one else to ask, I would greatly appreciate this if you would be able to assist.
-with love, Adrianna"

I sent the money on Sunday evening.

Adrianna made many excuses after why she couldn't meet on Monday or Tuesday for our date. Finally on Wednesday after she would not respond to multiple texts asking for my date, I sent her email and received this response

"Sooooo glad you emailed me! Horrible week! Lost my phone today

Sent from my iPhone

After that email I knew she was lying because she lost her phone? But she sent the email from her phone. I gave up and I still haven't had my date.

I want my money back too.
Personally if I thought that someone stole something from me, I would deal with it through private channels. I see no reason that accusations such as this should be aired in public. Originally Posted by MoonHowler
That's ridiculous. "Private channels" wouldn't give a thief the accountability they deserve nor would it warn her potential future victims to use caution when dealing with her.

Everyone needs to know what she's capable of so they don't make the mistake of trusting her, too.

Just a suggestion, Sir Lancealot... you may want to get off her ship now. It's sinking.
I'm sorry to hear that happened to u sweetie, trust me when I say it can be a huge blow to the heart for being so trusting and giving of friendship. I have been in this 13 years and it had happened a few times to me. When u are fortunate to find a true diamond in the rough, treasure it.
There is no greater unkindness than a friend who steals. So much more is taken than money.
Trust in God and count your change.
An ethical man is a Christian holding four aces.
rajbhai's Avatar
Originally Posted by rajbhai
rajbhai's Avatar
Thank you, Sir.
Adrianna xo's Avatar
I'm being wrongly accused if something I did not do. I will admit to the Raj situation which was a mishap. But Ginger has lost money or someone else has stolen from her. She is my friend and i still care for her deeply after the hateful messages which I can sympathize with if the same thing were to happen to mysel I would also be angry. But as outsiders and not knowing the "full" story you can not judge or side. This is a personal matter which should be handled as so. I find it no only petty and feeding your ego to get recognition from people who don't not know or understand the matter at hand helps you feel better but impersonally think people are tired of you exploiting your personal issues on a board made for leisure. If you'd like to address me. Do so. As I asked you to several times. Enjoy your evening.
  • At 12:00 pm I placed the money in the trunk.
  • You, and you alone, had knowledge of the money being placed in the trunk.
  • You, and you alone, had access to the car keys and the trunk.
  • You, and you alone, were standing at the open trunk when Sydney and I rounded the corner.
  • The money had only been there for 3 hours, and you were the only person that had access to it, other than me.
  • The money was not in its original spot or sealed in its container---it had been moved and scattered.
  • The only times the trunk had been opened that evening were when I put the money in there, and then again when you opened it without me present.

And thanks, Rajbhai, for posting your experience. Like I've always said, a thief is never a thief just once.

I personally do not understand how collecting money in advance for a date that you refused to honor once you had the money in your posession could be viewed as a "mishap."

You, Adrianna, are a liar.