Does Romney being a businessman make him a better candidate? Experts say No!

wellendowed1911's Avatar
Yesterday, on NPR radio station that had a very good discussion about Obama and Romney and whether the fact that Romney being a former CEO is better equipped to run the economy as POTUS.
Romney says a lot that he was an ex-CEO and he knows how to create jobs yada yada yada. Well the panelist made a comparison of whether running a business and running a Government is the same and all panelist agreed that the similarities are only the same during good economic times.
For example being CEO and POTUS- you obviously have a budget, you have to bring in more money than you spend, you have expenses, revenue, etc. However, the panelist stated that being POTUS and CEO is far different during economic hardship and they agreed that Romney is sadly mistaken if he thinks that his experience as CEO would mean he can get the economy back in better shape than Obama. Remember, Romney is on record saying that if he becomes POTUS he will have UE rate down to 6% by the end of his 4 year term : so we are at 7.8% percent now and keep in mind with seasonal hiring for the holidays I would say come 1-1-13 the UE rate might be 7.5% so in 4 years Romney admits he will move that rate by 1.5%- and if my math is correct Romney by his own admission will move the UR rate about 0.03% each month. The interesting factor is that economist say by the end of 2016, the UE rate will be 6% no matter who is in office. By the way for Lexus Lover, IB, Marshall I mean ChoomCzar, Joe Bloe, COG and Whirlway- show me one economist that predicts the UE rate would have been substantially lower had McCain won or had Obama implemented some other programs. I can show you reports on how the Bailout and saving GM helped the economy.
So why are you Conservatives so overly hyped on Romney when Romney himself admits he will only have the UE rate to 6% in 4 years?

Back to the topic- when you are CEO and times are good everyone is happy. When you are CEO and times are bad-you can make drastic changes and your workers will have to listen. However, when you are POTUS in bad times do you think Romney is going to have success in going to Congress and telling them that they he wants things done this way or else...? Congress works for the people not the POTUS and in case Romney doesn't know he can't "fire" Congress members(Remember Romney: "I like the ability to fire people").
So if you guys are thinking that Romney will have this country in a better financial status because he was a CEO you are way off base. Almost, as crazy as saying that this country military would be so much more powerful and bitter had McCain won because McCain served so many years in the military. Being POTUS is a totally different ballgame.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
To answer your question, I didn't support McCain. He would probably have been as bad as Obama. Romney won't be worse than Obama, but will likely be close.
wellendowed1911's Avatar
To answer your question, I didn't support McCain. He would probably have been as bad as Obama. Romney won't be worse than Obama, but will likely be close. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Why don't you go move to China??????
No need to debate the Obama administration this late in the game...if he loses the historians will have their say. It won't be flattering.....he squandered a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity....his legacy will be a bust.
wellendowed1911's Avatar
To answer your question, I didn't support McCain. He would probably have been as bad as Obama. Romney won't be worse than Obama, but will likely be close. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
COG riddle me this- if this election is about the economy and Romney again in his own words- says he will UE down to 6% in 4 years- is that something to really be excited over??? Again my calculations have Romney moving the UE by 0.03% per month- and keep in mind experts says the UE rate will be 6% even if Mickey Mouse got elected.
wellendowed1911's Avatar
No need to debate the Obama administration this late in the game...if he loses the historians will have their say. It won't be flattering.....he squandered a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity....his legacy will be a bust. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Care to make a bet ole friend on the outcome of the election????? Why are you so scared to wager- your guy has the momentum????
So your strategy is give Obama a 2nd shot, he can't do better/worse than Romney????
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Why don't you go move to China?????? Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
My family has spilled too much blood in this country to make it free, from the Revolution until now. I'll be damned if I will let this country slip into totalitarianism without a fight. And for me, fight is a rhetorical term. I am fully into non-violent civil disobedience.

You'd like to everyone leave who disagrees with you, but it isn't going to happen. Some of us love liberty, and hate the police state we are becoming. You are content with it. I'm not, and I'm not leaving.
Budman's Avatar
How does being a community agitator help obama fix the economy? I would much rather have an ex CEO in charge.

I don't have a problem putting some money on the outcome.
wellendowed1911's Avatar
How does being a community agitator help obama fix the economy? I would much rather have an ex CEO in charge.

I don't have a problem putting some money on the outcome. Originally Posted by Budman
Let''s do it Budman and let's forward it to the MODS- let's bet our account- the loser deactivates his account and pays for one session of the winner's choice? Is that a deal?

To answer your question Obama is not traveling the country and saying oh I am an ex-community organizer so I can fix the economy- Romney on the other hand tries to make the analogy that he ran a business(we already know the history of Bain) so he knows how the run the govt- how untrue.
Also, remember when Reagan ran from Governor of California some laugh and said what does he know about politics he was an actor- ditto for Arnold Schwarznegger, Jesse Ventura- former actor/pro-wrestler -turned governor- so what's your point?
wellendowed1911's Avatar
So your strategy is give Obama a 2nd shot, he can't do better/worse than Romney???? Originally Posted by Whirlaway
WW now you answer the question- if this election is on economy- in which we all agree on and if 4 years Romney can only move the economy from (7.5% which I am guessing it will be around 1-1-13 to 6% in 4 years(0.03 decline per month- not big at all) then why in the hell would I get all giddy about a man running for POTUS that will move the rate 1.5 to 1.8% and experts are saying it will be 6% regardless- so what the fuck is the point?
Now if Romney had some great plan and economist were in unison saying with Romney's plan we would predict UE rate to be 4 to 5% then hell yeah I would perhaps vote for him- but convince me based on economy that Romney will do a better job if Romney is only saying what the economist believe the UE rate would be regardless of whose in office.
Budman's Avatar
I'm not giving money to any mod. Why would i trust them when we have never met. I'm in SA so I will meet in either SA or Austin to settle up. I will bring a witness from Eccie to verify that the debt was paid by the loser. You can do the same. I'll even by the first round. I'm not going to agree to closing this account. Seems kind of pointless. If you don't pay up then I will post that you are a chicken shit who refuses to pay his debts. You can do the same.

Please tell me what obama has ever done to qualify him to fix the economy.
When a post starts out with "I was listening to NPR" you know it is going to be very limited in intelligent thoughts. NPR stands for "nudder poor retard", come one man, turn on some Fox news and at least listen to some unbiased dialog with true thought and reason. My garbage man would be better than Obama, at least he isnt a socialist hell bent on the total ruination of America
wellendowed1911's Avatar
I'm not giving money to any mod. Why would i trust them when we have never met. I'm in SA so I will meet in either SA or Austin to settle up. I will bring a witness from Eccie to verify that the debt was paid by the loser. You can do the same. I'll even by the first round. I'm not going to agree to closing this account. Seems kind of pointless. If you don't pay up then I will post that you are a chicken shit who refuses to pay his debts. You can do the same.

Please tell me what obama has ever done to qualify him to fix the economy. Originally Posted by Budman
No- we don't have to give money to the MOD- we will both email the MOD and tell them we have agreed wager you are pulling for Romney- me- Obama and whoever loses come 11-6-2012- the MOD will automatically deactivate our account based on our agreement- because not only am I willing to make a financial wager- I think the loser's account needs to go away- reminds me of the old wrestling days when they had a loser leave town match- do you agree to this scenario- trust me I have know reason not to pay a debt- Whirlway and I know some of the same hobbyist/providers and I will sure you I will not run away from the bet.

In terms of what Obama has done- he has made an EFFORT- look at the jobs bills that was presented over a year ago- and had both DEM and Republican ideas and the GOP congress didn't vote on not one bill???? Are you telling me the Jobs bill would not have helped the UE rate???
The reality was the GOP wanted the UE numbers to be as bad as possible- had the jobs bill passed the UE rate would be in the low 7's and declining which would not be good for Romney- and you know that to be the truth. The GOP talks about Obama failed policies- what policies- they need approved anything to let the policies fail- they were all stricken down in the House!!!
How does being a community agitator help obama fix the economy? I would much rather have an ex CEO in charge.

I don't have a problem putting some money on the outcome. Originally Posted by Budman
A +1 on this. How come no one in the Media ever questions President Obama's qualifications for ever being President. Affirmative Action student, Community Organizer, a "sort of" Professor, a Senator who simply voted "no" or "present" for two years.

And what's more, his abysmal record proves that he has been over his head since day one.

Oh, I forgot his one qualification. He has mastered the art of reading a Teleprompter.