Keystone pipeline meeting resistance in Texas

Texans who are the most oil friendly are not happy the Canadian company is not using US steel and will not guarantee using American labor.Plus the oil sands processed will not be used in the USA,Also the condemning of land for the line is not what Texans are use to with other oil company's..
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 10-17-2012, 11:15 AM
They should just donate their land to get that God Damn pipeline built!
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 10-17-2012, 11:18 AM
another pipeline is exactly what we need to lower the price at the pump
Texans who are the most oil friendly are not happy the Canadian company is not using US steel and will not guarantee using American labor. Plus the oil sands processed will not be used in the USA. Also the condemning of land for the line is not what Texans are use to with other oil company's.. Originally Posted by ekim008
Good on you, Ekim! That is as perfect recap of the lies told about the pipeline helping the U.S. and is another example of Romney spreading those false ideas and lying about how the Keystone pipeline will help the U.S.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Did you make that up, Ekim? Or do you actually have something to support that. You got WTF, CBJ7 and Little Stephanie to buy your bullshit, which isn't that difficult if it supports lefties, but I'd like a little more substance. If you can.
wellendowed1911's Avatar
Did you make that up, Ekim? Or do you actually have something to support that. You got WTF, CBJ7 and Little Stephanie to buy your bullshit, which isn't that difficult if it supports lefties, but I'd like a little more substance. If you can. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy

Anyone notice how COG rants about how is neither Republican or Democrat but 99.99999% of his threads are anti-obama and yet if someone post a pro-Romney thread he agrees, but you post a pro-obama thread he is quick to call you liar- you are an old fat fart- go screw yourself.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
UnderEndowed, I don't even have enough time to chronicle all of Obama's lies and distortions. I can't add Romney to the mix at this time. I'd welcome someone to do that. I know he lies and distorts, but keeping track of Obama is more than enough to try to handle. He is so good at it, and is so prolific.

But right now, Obama is President, and destroying the country.

And if asking Ekim to back up his ridiculous statement is too much, I'm sorry. I should have known that Ekim wouldn't be able to do that. Sorry, Ekim. I expected too much from you.

Vote for Gary Johnson - Live Free!
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 10-17-2012, 03:11 PM
UnderEndowed, I don't even have enough time to chronicle all of Obama's lies and distortions. I can't add Romney to the mix at this time. I'd welcome someone to do that. I know he lies and distorts, but keeping track of Obama is more than enough to try to handle. He is so good at it, and is so prolific.

But right now, Obama is President, and destroying the country.

And if asking Ekim to back up his ridiculous statement is too much, I'm sorry. I should have known that Ekim wouldn't be able to do that. Sorry, Ekim. I expected too much from you.

Vote for Gary Johnson - Live Free! Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy

when anyone posts anything about romney you go to automatic Obamanite mode
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
How is that true? I've already said Ryan was a disastrous choice, I've said Mitt should release his tax returns, I've condemned Mitt's support for the NDAA, the Patriot Act, unlimited defense spending, etc. and etc. There really is no support here for the idea that I am a Mitt Romney fan.

It's just that you Obamazombies are more fun to agitate with the truth. You people defend ANYTHING Obama does. Most of the Romneybots here realize their candidate is mortal and fallible, and they will recognize his limitations because he is not as big a disaster as Obama is.

So, keep making stuff up if that helps you get by in your pathetic, disturbed little world. And I'll keep telling the truth about Obama, and watching you get your little boy panties in a wad.

CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 10-17-2012, 03:24 PM

Yssup Rider's Avatar
UnderEndowed, I don't even have enough time to chronicle all of Obama's lies and distortions. I can't add Romney to the mix at this time. I'd welcome someone to do that. I know he lies and distorts, but keeping track of Obama is more than enough to try to handle. He is so good at it, and is so prolific.

But right now, Obama is President, and destroying the country.

And if asking Ekim to back up his ridiculous statement is too much, I'm sorry. I should have known that Ekim wouldn't be able to do that. Sorry, Ekim. I expected too much from you.

Vote for Gary Johnson - Live Free! Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy

Guest123018-4's Avatar
There are land owners that are not happy with the way the Canadian pipeline company is dealing with them. I suppose they do not understand how to deal with a person with respect the way they are accustomed.The pipeline company made a mistake in trying to low-ball the land price..

As far as the rest of Mike's story, I do not know if any of that is true or not.
I do know for fact that there is a refinery that deals in heavy oil on the Texas Gulf coast that currently gets the oil from Venezuela. Having an alternative source for the refinery is a good thing.
As far as delivering the finished products produced by the heavy oil, I really do not know since we are a net exporter of gasoline and other fuels. The products could very well end up someplace other than the USA.
TexTushHog's Avatar
another pipeline is exactly what we need to lower the price at the pump Originally Posted by CJ7
Why should we want lower gasoline prices? That just leads to more usage and greater global climate change. We need higher gasoline prices, not lower gasoline prices. And the oil that the pipeline carries is particularly dirty oil that emits huge amounts of carbon.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
TExAssHog, you are so brilliant, I am surprised that you are not on tour with Al Gore.
the planet has a fever.....
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 10-17-2012, 05:44 PM
Why should we want lower gasoline prices? That just leads to more usage and greater global climate change. We need higher gasoline prices, not lower gasoline prices. And the oil that the pipeline carries is particularly dirty oil that emits huge amounts of carbon. Originally Posted by TexTushHog

that was sarcasim

click the link and look at the pipeline map ... you cant piss and hit the ground in Texas, Oklahoma, and La without getting an oil pipeline wet ... yeppers, we need more pipelines!

on that note, 50 new pipelines in this country wont mean jack shit unless there are refineries capable of handling the load, and even then the oil company that owns the oil will sell it on the global market ... the oil boys make big $$$, the idiots defend them and the people here dont get shit. .... If thats not a solid rightwing policy tell me what is?