Hobbyist, not hobbiest

KCQuestor's Avatar
Hobbyist is "one who is interested in a hobby"
see: Bicyclist
see: Violinist

Hobbiest means "most hobby"
see: Funny, funnier, funniest
see: Sexy, sexier, sexiest
john_deere's Avatar
can i be the hobbiest hobbyist?
Excellent post! My personal pet peeve is when I see an advertisement with the word "Discrete" instead of Discreet. Now I have an additional pet peeve...


Pink Floyd's Avatar
What pisses me off is pay toilets, and having to wear argyle socks and a mask.
Excellent post! My personal pet peeve is when I see an advertisement with the word "Discrete" instead of Discreet. Now I have an additional pet peeve...


Madison Originally Posted by MadisonGraham
...and add instead of ad. There are so many.... Lol
1ThickBlond's Avatar
Two of my least favorites frequently used by providers in ads:

upmost instead utmost

volumptuous instead of voluptuous
This has to be the hobbiest thread about what a hobbyist is all about .
Did I pass ?
john_deere's Avatar
all that is defiantly true, but not definitely so...
ICU 812's Avatar

While you are correst—this is not school and it isn't a literary site, so just relax.


While you are correst—this is not school and it isn't a literary site, so just relax.

Cheers Originally Posted by ICU 812

My pet peeve is fussing about spelling, etc. on this type of site. It's a "hooker board," not collage. All spelling, etc. errors in this post were intentional.
You do realize who you are talking to and where you posted this....right????