Moving "It" In and Out While She's Ding the "Job"

I suppose it was that good of a blowjob, but I was a finding it very difficult to remain motionless while her lips and tongue worked their magic. When she added the suction I started a slow in and out motion which ended up with her pressing my hips to the bed in a none-too-subtle hint to stay still!

Am I alone in doing thsi while getting a really good blowjob? I thought it was a fairly natural reaction to the events happening below chest level. Would it have been equally intrusive to squeeze her tits? What's up with that?
Torito's Avatar
My three favorites encourage me when I do that. They know they are hitting the right spots.

Lana Warren's Avatar
Honey, if I'm doing it right, you damn sure better be moving or moaning! And you can grab anything you like!