Poll: References vs P411+

ripmp3z's Avatar
Backstory: I have P411+4 Okays, a provider I wanted to see still asked me for references. Now ever since I got 2 Okays, I no longer ask providers to become my reference since I have proved myself (I thought).

Now I know each provider screen differently, but just wondering ...(as I am sure most newbs are wondering the same thing):

In your experience (both providers and hobbyists), how is screening done?
A. P411 with OKs AND references
B. P411 with OKs
C. References alone
D. Other: thru texts, phone, email, board handles
E. No screening
If she isn't on P411 then she can't see your Okays and if she is and your Okays are all really old.............or nonactive accounts..............or none of your Okays was willing to respond to an email.

A P411 Okay IS a reference. They aren't separate things. We see who Okay'd you and then contact them.
ripmp3z's Avatar
That's the thing that made me do this poll...She is a P411 verified provider, and all my OKs have been within the past 1 month (no inactive accounts). I was like...what the heck? But since I wanted to see her and be respectful, I PMed her my references anyways (half of which are the providers who OKed me in the first place). LOL

First time I had this issue, just want to see if it's a common prob or anomaly.
awl4knot's Avatar
I agree with the OP. What is the sense and value of P411 if you need references plus OK's? It's like using a belt and suspenders. You could just as well only use references and save the annual P411 fee.

I have asked for a date with double dippers and sometimes I'm good to go without the references but I have 18 OK's over a period of three years and many are current and with pretty reputable ladies. I also spent some time burnishing my profile and that seems to help. However, there are times when I don't get a response. Oh well.

The other variation that gets me riled is when a lady on P411 insists that I complete her invasive website contact form. Heck, I don't need P411 for that and it makes me wonder how long my data is kept? Sorry, I won't do it and good luck to her.
Wicket's Avatar
Backstory: I have P411+4 Okays, a provider I wanted to see still asked me for references. Now ever since I got 2 Okays, I no longer ask providers to become my reference since I have proved myself (I thought).

Now I know each provider screen differently, but just wondering ...(as I am sure most newbs are wondering the same thing): Originally Posted by ripmp3z
IMHO, I would have responded to the provider saying you're welcome to ask for a reference from any of my P411 OKs. For heaven's sake, I suspect that when a provider is looking at your profile, she should be able to send a PM to any one of your OKs with a click of her mouse. How hard could this be?
IMHO, I would have responded to the provider saying you're welcome to ask for a reference from any of my P411 OKs. For heaven's sake, I suspect that when a provider is looking at your profile, she should be able to send a PM to any one of your OKs with a click of her mouse. How hard could this be? Originally Posted by Wicket
it's not but some will make it so. The above sentence should be enough to get the ball rolling. Unless you're dealing with someone who are a few crayons short of a box.
Sweet N Little's Avatar
Unless your ok's are outdated then they should suffice as they "are" your references IMO
Satyrrical's Avatar
This assumes all in the hobby use 411. The last 4 ladies I have seen do not. Not sure what my point is, and I rarely do, so I'll shut up now.
Eccie Addict's Avatar
Well some ladies don't respond very timely to reference requests. It could also be due to her not being comfortable with the ladies you have seen and you'd be surprised what little it takes to make someone uncomfortable with another lol. These women have every right to screen in any way and however long it takes for the to be comfortable with who they are seeing.

It doesn't matter to me how many I have or from where. I am more than willing to supply as many refs as a provider ask for, even after I have already supplied some.
ripmp3z's Avatar
Thanks everyone for chipping in to confirm my suspicion that this is probably an anomaly
IMHO, I would have responded to the provider saying you're welcome to ask for a reference from any of my P411 OKs. For heaven's sake, I suspect that when a provider is looking at your profile, she should be able to send a PM to any one of your OKs with a click of her mouse. How hard could this be? Originally Posted by Wicket
excellent suggestion
VIP Mya Michelle's Avatar
I take p411 as you are already screened.
VIPRaniLane's Avatar
I voted option D. I will accept P411/Date-Check with 3+ references within 1 year. If less than 3, none, or been more than a year, it's my SECURE (https) contact form or an email with the info my contact form requests.

If you all look at the "Application Requirements" section on the P411 New Client Application, it states the following quite clearly:

Preferred411 is a tool used by many providers to help in the screening process. They are still welcome to do as much extra screening as deemed necessary to protect themselves, so please don't be surprised or offended if you are occasionally asked for additional info.

See attached screenshot, taken directly from P411...

Jannisary's Avatar
That's the thing that made me do this poll...She is a P411 verified provider, and all my OKs have been within the past 1 month (no inactive accounts). I was like...what the heck? But since I wanted to see her and be respectful, I PMed her my references anyways (half of which are the providers who OKed me in the first place). LOL

First time I had this issue, just want to see if it's a common prob or anomaly. Originally Posted by ripmp3z
Yes, she could have just contacted your OKs. If she is unfamiliar with the ladies that OK'd you she may have been hesitant to just contact them out of the blue. Maybe she would rather know who you are preferring her to contact. Some provider want to know more than if you were just "OK" but some providers on P411 feel that an "OK" is good enough all by itself and don't like it when they are asked for more info about how things went by another provider. So by asking you for the refs, it could have been more about asking you who she could contact who would reply promptly and not give her any grief or attitude by wanting know if you're more than just "OK".
awl4knot's Avatar
EA, I can't agree with you for these reasons.

Well some ladies don't respond very timely to reference requests.

Do you think that they will respond any faster if the email comes from outside P411? We can't control how quickly someone will respond to a request for a reference, so I doubt that is a logical factor. And you rarely get a response that your references aren't cooperating; you are just left hanging, wondering why you haven't heard anything.

It could also be due to her not being comfortable with the ladies you have seen and you'd be surprised what little it takes to make someone uncomfortable with another lol.

Well how do we control that? Chances are our "better" references are members of P411 and if they won't passed muster, then we are SOL. If a lady doesn't like my choice of playmates, then we probably won't get along in any event.

BTW, I had this happen on P411 recently. I sent a request to be pre-screened by a MILF genre provider and she responded that she read my reviews and I seemed to like younger providers, so why did I want to see her? She also queried me why she wasn't on a list of area providers that I had posted in a forum.

I thought it was a snippy response and I probably responded in kind and that was the end of that, so in the end she was right - we wouldn't get along. However, I have to give her credit for doing her homework.

These women have every right to screen in any way and however long it takes for the to be comfortable with who they are seeing.

No one argues against the right to screen as one sees fit. The whole point of this thread is why do P411 if you still ask for references? When that happens the raison d' etre of the service is lost and it becomes just another escort site like EROS or BP. Originally Posted by Eccie Addict
  • wd420
  • 10-20-2012, 10:48 AM
Since I travel for work I pretty much only see P411 providers.
Usually when they see the 22 okays I have I'm in the door without any further checking.
Only had one 411 provider that actually starting calling up my okays to see if I was legit.