ROMNEY THE JOB CREATOR. Tell that to freshly fired American workers.

Yssup Rider's Avatar
Tell me what a great job creator he is. Well, this is how the greed of Mitt Romney and Bain Capitol COST Americans their jobs.

Sensata has made huge profits in Freeport, while paying employees a $17/hr starting wage, that's approximately $35,000 a year for highschool graduates. They have chosen to move the plant to China where they will pay workers a .99 cent base wage, 70% will work 12 hour shift with 1 day off a month! That's the kind of wages Romney thinks Americans should be satisfied with?! But he's a job creator.


Sensata Technologies employees in Freeport, Ill., on the plant’s second and weekend shift received phone calls from the company’s management Oct. 19 informing them they don’t need to report to work any longer.

Sensata is shutting down the plant’s operations for the weekend in the face of growing national outrage at the Bain-owned company’s outsourcing of the plant and its 170 jobs to China by the end of the year.

Workers began an encampment, since named 'Bainport,' Sept. 12 at Stephenson County Fairgrounds to protest Bain’s decision to ship their jobs to China and increase the pressure on former Bain co-founder/CEO Romney — who still profits directly from Sensata — to help save their jobs.

The workers plan to stay at the encampment until Romney agrees to help save their jobs, or, as stated in a release from the group, 'until middle-class voters nationwide understand the dangers of a Romney economy for our country.


This isn't the first time Bain has done this. And it won't be the last time Romney does it if you're fool enough to let him sit in the CEO's chair.

It's his nature. It's who he is. Why assume he'll do any different?
markroxny's Avatar
Then he has the nerve to talk about China not playing fair.

Romney is a cold blooded asshole.
  • Laz
  • 10-22-2012, 11:04 AM
Instead of focusing on the manufacturing jobs that are going overseas we should be focusing on why the jobs are going there. We would be better off modifying our laws so that manufacturing here is more profitable than complaining about how it is going overseas.
waverunner234's Avatar
Just proves again that stupidity and being a republican go hand in hand.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Democrats aren't always the smartest people you'd want to meet either. There are a lot of stupid people in both parties. That's why we have the candidates we do.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 10-22-2012, 01:44 PM
Instead of focusing on the manufacturing jobs that are going overseas we should be focusing on why the jobs are going there. We would be better off modifying our laws so that manufacturing here is more profitable than complaining about how it is going overseas. Originally Posted by Laz

tax the living shit out of compaines that outsource manufacturing and reward companies that dont with extremely low rates

but hell no, we cant afford to piss off big business that has no problem fucking us
  • Laz
  • 10-22-2012, 03:12 PM
tax the living shit out of compaines that outsource manufacturing and reward companies that dont with extremely low rates

but hell no, we cant afford to piss off big business that has no problem fucking us Originally Posted by CJ7
Higher taxes would just encourage companies to become foreign companies.

As for low tax rates that is a good idea in general since it would encourage companies to be established in the US and expand operations in the US. It is a global market place. The US is competing with all the other nations for businesses to operate here. It is an easy thing for us to win if the politicians would quit trying to blame business and tax business. Sadly most people don't realize that all of those business taxes are passed on to the consumer so that they pay them anyway.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 10-22-2012, 03:41 PM
Higher taxes would just encourage companies to become foreign companies.

As for low tax rates that is a good idea in general since it would encourage companies to be established in the US and expand operations in the US. It is a global market place. The US is competing with all the other nations for businesses to operate here. It is an easy thing for us to win if the politicians would quit trying to blame business and tax business. Sadly most people don't realize that all of those business taxes are passed on to the consumer so that they pay them anyway. Originally Posted by Laz

how would higher tax rates on companies that outsource their manufacturing encourage them to do what they already are doing?
joe bloe's Avatar
Higher taxes would just encourage companies to become foreign companies.

As for low tax rates that is a good idea in general since it would encourage companies to be established in the US and expand operations in the US. It is a global market place. The US is competing with all the other nations for businesses to operate here. It is an easy thing for us to win if the politicians would quit trying to blame business and tax business. Sadly most people don't realize that all of those business taxes are passed on to the consumer so that they pay them anyway. Originally Posted by Laz
Don't tax corporations. Get rid of the income tax. Replace the income tax with The Fair Tax. The economy would boom.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Higher taxes would just encourage companies to become foreign companies.

As for low tax rates that is a good idea in general since it would encourage companies to be established in the US and expand operations in the US. It is a global market place. The US is competing with all the other nations for businesses to operate here. It is an easy thing for us to win if the politicians would quit trying to blame business and tax business. Sadly most people don't realize that all of those business taxes are passed on to the consumer so that they pay them anyway. Originally Posted by Laz
Your first post was bad enough and in this one you Double Down on DUMB. Do you honestly believe that Sensata will LOWER its already record profits by passing on the savings they'll reap on Chinese SLAVES to its customers?

LMAO - THEY MADE RECORD PROFITS PAYING AMERICAN WORKERS AND THEIR GREED SIMPLY MAKES THEM WANT MORE. Like was by CJ7 above, they should be penalized for moving to China in direct proportion to the profits and the havoc they have wreaked on the lives of their loyal American workers!
Guest123018-4's Avatar
Please tell me what role Romney had in this decision.
Pull 100% of the 40,000 US troops out of SE Asia.

Let these "free marketers" bear 100% of the security costs of doing business overseas.
What the fuck kind of regulation change is going to offset a 17:1 wage differential?

Oh yeah, prison labor.

Instead of focusing on the manufacturing jobs that are going overseas we should be focusing on why the jobs are going there. We would be better off modifying our laws so that manufacturing here is more profitable than complaining about how it is going overseas. Originally Posted by Laz
Guest123018-4's Avatar
I agree with cutting back on pro9viding all of the security for the worlds trade. It will not be long and we will have China taking care of all of that instead of us.

I still want to know what role Romney had in the firing of these people as the OP claims.