we really do have a one-track mind, don't we?

I was walking into work from the parking lot this morning, and noticed a very attractive lady also walking in just a few yards ahead of me. There's a little game I like to play with myself: As I'm checking her out, I also look around the vicinity, and sure enough I catch 2 other guys checking her out (one was actually driving into the parking lot and had his head craned almost all the way around, lol). I love playing this game. Never fails, and for some reason, amuses me greatly to catch other guys checking a lady out. We're so one-track minded, aren't we guys?
So God is talking to Adam: "Adam, I've got good news and bad news." Adam asks: "Whats the good news?" God says: "I'm sending you some pussy." Adam says: "Great! Whats the bad news?" God says: "I'm putting a woman in charge."

I learned a long time ago; we are the weaker sex!
cuddlyteddybear's Avatar
If you're lucky, you'll find a woman who has a man's sex drive. They're rare but they exist. They're the Chupacabra's of sex play. LOL.

Problem is that those kind of women can "out cum" any guy--but it's kind of fun to try to keep up.
Onatop's Avatar
I have asked a couple of different attractive ladies yes they do like admire or appreciate knods of beauty looks - but to a certain point - not the long stares or break your neck typee - but at times they stated they would not care for them at all - it is how the guy does it - or if a gentlemen about such

Here where I live there is a lot of attractive ladies - some I know are single wear fake diamond rings to ward off comments - advances -

Yes a red blooded male has a one track mind - nothing wrong at looking at beauty - in a polite way - and yes I agree a woman's sex drive is just as equal to a man's - but to unleash - depends on a lot of factors - lets face it - it takes a different type of woman to unleash mine - in a polite way - we all are different - guess when two hook up and can unleash each others to the max - hmmm wonder what that would be like ?

Most of us just point our dicks down the street and follow them.
A woman usually works hard to make that body look great...why not let her know what a great job she is doing?
Onatop's Avatar
There are some who work hard - some who are blessed naturally - I know a lady at a neighboring town in her 40's - 3 children - and yes she is head turner - she told me once she does likes to be noticed but times it is like insult on how some of the men go about it - she feels the compliments of a casual glance and maybe a quick smile is golden then go on about your business - she is married - luck guy he is - she mentioned to me she never worked out or has

I guess to each there own - we all do business in a different way
I was walking into work from the parking lot this morning, and noticed a very attractive lady also walking in just a few yards ahead of me. There's a little game I like to play with myself: As I'm checking her out, I also look around the vicinity, and sure enough I catch 2 other guys checking her out (one was actually driving into the parking lot and had his head craned almost all the way around, lol). I love playing this game. Never fails, and for some reason, amuses me greatly to catch other guys checking a lady out. We're so one-track minded, aren't we guys? Originally Posted by emosissy
I do the same with my gf, I walk several paces behind her and check out all the men looking at her, it's so funny. Makes me think, "do I look at a hot woman like that?"....like a ravenous animal?
I do the same with my gf, I walk several paces behind her and check out all the men looking at her, it's so funny. Makes me think, "do I look at a hot woman like that?"....like a ravenous animal? Originally Posted by kc810m
LOL, yeah I do it with my S.O. as well. We were in an elevator once and some tipsy college aged guys were checking out her legs and I was just thinking, "good luck getting her to spread them!"
Onatop's Avatar
I guess if I were rationed - or it was a like change of the moon type of time frame to view my lucious ladies legs from every angle - think I would have to put her stuff in a shoe box and out the door she would go - but alot of others have ladies whom make more $$$ than them so I guess some have to walk the line - me I do not have that problem - if I did - it would be resolved quickly

Just how it is -----------
dirty dog's Avatar
I guess if I were rationed - or it was a like change of the moon type of time frame to view my lucious ladies legs from every angle - think I would have to put her stuff in a shoe box and out the door she would go - but alot of others have ladies whom make more $$$ than them so I guess some have to walk the line - me I do not have that problem - if I did - it would be resolved quickly

Just how it is ----------- Originally Posted by Onatop
Oh my god are your fucking serious with this crap.......
Onatop's Avatar
That is a old wise saying - lol - anyway I did move out a lady friend once - we were cohabitating - too much of a money grubber - move out quicker than she moved in - this is true !

When I was growing up as a young lad - my grandparents could speak German as they when young lived there before WW I - every morning my grandmother would fix three strips of bacon two eggs - wheat toast un-buttered - fresh juice - my grand father told me that I best find a woman to do this for me when I get married - then him and my grandmother conversed in German for awhile - what they said I do not know -

Another saying - he told me - if you find a woman in a bar - make sure when you get done with her to take her back to the bar - my grandmother was not around then - he did not mention about meeting a woman here on ECCIE - so I guess I should be OK then
  • KCboy
  • 10-26-2012, 08:50 AM
Funny how we guys are such vultures! When I go out with my gf the hottie that she is she really get the gawks and stares! But I do enjoy watching other guys drool lol.
I once went out with a girl we were sitting At the bar in a club and I had to go pee. I told her watch when I leave u will get hit on! She says ohh I never get hit on. Yeah right, anyways when I came back a guy was on each side of her hitting in her! They left when she told them she was with me but it proved my rant! Us guys are vultures lol
TaylorBliss's Avatar
And this is a bad thing? lol