Below is a great opportunity for a lucky few:
I am training with the American Academy of Facial Esthetics performing Botox & Juvederm on Friday, Oct. 26th (Botox) & Saturday, Oct 27th (Juvederm) @ Crown Plaza 1015 Elm St., Dallas, TX. Model patients must be available approximately 3-4 hrs (as this is an advanced teaching course) from around noon until 3:00pm.
BOTOX day is Friday, Oct 26th. Ideal patients for Botox have light to moderate wrinkles including 1. "surprise", "mad" or "crow's feet" (corners of the eyes). 2. TMD (chronic jaw join pain) candidates make great patients!
JUVEDERM day is the Saturday, Oct 27th. Ideal Juvederm patient have 1. light to moderate lines from the corner of the mouth to the corner of the nose 2. lines from the corner of the lips that go donw the face toward the jaw line. 3. Also, lip augmentation patients are good if they desire lip augmentation.
Ideal patients must NOT 1. Bruise easily 2. Be needle-phobic 3. have complex medical histories 4. Be hard to numb or 5/ have important life events 2 wks after the treatment
Pricing is a steal! $50 per patient per day. Ordinarily Juvederm cost to the doctor per syringe is $265. Botox vial is $545 cost to the doctor and normally treats 2-4 patients. $50 per patient per day. If you are a good candidate, $100 for full treatment both days!!!! If you know anything about normal pricing for these procedures, you realize what a deal this is.
Feel free to tell your friends to contact me immediately so that I can try to get them through the screening process which is quick and easy for them.
I need the candidate to send me their frontal pictures of:
1. normal relaxed facial photo,
2. their "mad" face, (scrunched down)
3. "surprised" (forehead elevated)
4. pre-lip augmentation photos, and
5. TMD jaw muscle photos.
7. Phone Number
8. Email
9. Which procedures they are interested in
10. If selected to show up w/ their own make-up pencil
Photos are all easy to capture & text. Profiles will be sent to examining doctors who will help me select which candidates are acceptable. Candidates may be eligible for both Botox & Juvederm on a case by case basis.
Feel free to forward this on to as many of your friends that you think would have the time and be interested.
The first 3 ideal candidates to have all pictures sent in, male or female, will be notified of further instructions. Alternates will also be informed of their status. Good luck to all candidates!!! Now, send me your pictures as instructed above.
Contact information:
Justin Wright, DDS
(979) five74-330five
Below is a longer version of what I said above. Tried to summarize above so that you don't have to read this. Included this just in case.
Here are some tips for choosing a model patient for the Botox® Training course:
The facial areas that are ideal to treat with Botox® are: forehead lines when the patient makes a “surprised” expression, the frown lines between the eyes when the patient makes a “mad” facial expression and the “crow’s feet” lines at the corner of the eyes.
- The model patient should have light to moderate lines- these are the best patients to train on.
- If your patient has TMJ and/or bruxism, these areas will be addressed as well.
- The patient should be healthy, with no active skin infections, and have a clean medical history.
- Patients with neurological, autoimmune and immunological diseases are not ideal candidates, as well as people with long term systematic diseases.
- Patients, who bruise easily, because of medications or other disease processes, may not be good candidates.
- The model should not be needle phobic.
- The model patient may have some swelling and/or bruising after treatment. We recommend that the model patient not have any important life events occurring within two weeks of treatment.
Please review and share the following list of pre-operative instructions with each of your model patients.
Botox® for Cosmetic Pre-Treatment Instructions:
In an ideal situation, it is prudent to follow some simple guidelines before treatment that can make all the difference between a fair result and/or great result, by reducing some possible side effects associated with the injections. We realize this is not always possible; however, minimizing these risks is always desirable.
- Avoid alcoholic beverages at least 24 hours prior to treatment. Alcohol may thin the blood which will increase the risk of bruising.
- Avoid anti-inflammatory or blood thinning medications ideally, for a period of two weeks before treatment. Medications and supplements such as Aspirin, Vitamin E, Gingko Biloba, St. John’s Wart, Ibuprofen, Motrin, Advil, Aleve, Vioxx, and other NSAIDS are all blood thinning and can increase the risk of bruising/swelling after injections.
- Schedule Botox® appointment at least 2 weeks prior to a special event which may be occurring, i.e., wedding, vacation, etc. It is not desirable to have a very special event occurring and be bruised from an injection which could have been avoided.
Every model patient must sign an informed consent prior to treatment. Consents will be provided at each course and there will be no exceptions.
We have the right to refuse treatment to any patient.
JUVEDERM: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
Here are some tips for choosing a model patient for the Dermal Filler Training course:
The facial areas that are ideal to treat with dermal fillers are the nasolabial folds (lines from the corner of the mouth to the corner of the nose), marionette lines (lines from the corner of the lips that go down the face toward the jaw line), and uplifting the corners of the lips. Lip augmentation may be done on a patient that would like to enhance the fullness of their lips.
- The model patient should have light to moderate lines- these are the best patients to train on.
- The model patient should be easy to anesthetize and be able to tolerate local dental anesthesia.
- The patient should be healthy, with no active skin infections, and have a clean medical history.
- Patients with neurological, autoimmune and immunological diseases are not ideal candidates, as well as people with long term systematic diseases.
- Patients, who bruise easily, because of medications or other disease processes, may not be good candidates.
- The model should not be needle phobic.
- The model patient may have some swelling and/or bruising after treatment. We recommend that the model patient not have any important life events occurring within two weeks of treatment.
Please review and share the following list of pre-operative instructions with each of your model patients.
Dermal Filler Pre-Treatment Instructions:
In an ideal situation, it is prudent to follow some simple guidelines before treatment that can make all the difference between a fair result and/or great result, by reducing some possible side effects associated with the injections. We realize this is not always possible; however, minimizing these risks is always desirable.
- Let us know if you are prone to cold sores- a pre-operative medication may help prevent cold sores after treatment.
- If you develop a cold sore, blemish, or rash, etc. prior to your appointment, you must reschedule.
- Discontinue Retin-A (2) two days before and (2) two days after treatment.
- Avoid anti-inflammatory or blood thinning medications ideally, for a period of two weeks before treatment. Medications and supplements such as Aspirin, Vitamin E, Gingko Biloba, St. John’s Wart, Ibuprofen, Motrin, Advil, Aleve, Vioxx, and other NSAIDS are all blood thinning and can increase the risk of bruising/swelling after injections.
- Schedule appointments at least 2 weeks prior to a special event which may be occurring, i.e., wedding, vacation, etc. It is not desirable to have a very special event occurring and be bruised from an injection which could have been avoided.
Every model patient must sign an informed consent prior to treatment. Consents will be provided at each course and there will be no exceptions.
We have the right to refuse treatment to any patient.
We have the right to refuse treatment to any patient.