Video: Boeing’s New Missile Remotely Disables Computers As It Flies By

SEE3772's Avatar
This is CHAMP: Boeing's new missile otherwise known as the Counter-electronics High-powered Microwave Advanced Missile Project. It automatically disables PCs and other electronic devices as it soars through the skies, using a burst of powerful radio waves—and it was successfully tested last week.


Russian President Vladimir Putin Takes Helm In Biggest Nuclear Test & Will Not Renew Arms Agreement With U.S.

Chinese People’s Liberation Army is actively developing an intercontinental missile capable of penetrating US defences
joe bloe's Avatar
This is CHAMP: Boeing's new missile otherwise known as the Counter-electronics High-powered Microwave Advanced Missile Project. It automatically disables PCs and other electronic devices as it soars through the skies, using a burst of powerful radio waves—and it was successfully tested last week.


Russian President Vladimir Putin Takes Helm In Biggest Nuclear Test & Will Not Renew Arms Agreement With U.S.

Chinese People’s Liberation Army is actively developing an intercontinental missile capable of penetrating US defences Originally Posted by SEE3772
Israel needs a few of those things to take care of Iran. Either that or just detonate an EMP bomb. The Iranian nuclear problem could be solved in about two seconds; just fry all their electronics.
There is a much simpler way.

Iran has one (1) oil refinery. They import the vast majority of their refined petroleum products, via supertanker. They have one (1) supertanker dock.

Two conventionally-armed cruise missiles, one for the refinery and one for the dock facilities, and Iran very shortly has no transportation faster than camels.

Now, this is admittedly drastic, using an axe to solve a problem that might better be handled with a needle or a knife. On the other hand, sometimes you do have to get the mule's attention.
Fast Gunn's Avatar
Well, that is one scarey future weapon!

. . . But Mitt Romney called and said he prefers more horses and bayonets instead of fancy new fangled weapons to really feel safe!

Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 10-25-2012, 05:15 AM
This is CHAMP: Boeing's new missile otherwise known as the Counter-electronics High-powered Microwave Advanced Missile Project. It automatically disables PCs and other electronic devices as it soars through the skies, using a burst of powerful radio waves—and it was successfully tested last week. Originally Posted by SEE3772
Seriously over hyped definition of "success".

Israel needs a few of those things to take care of Iran. Either that or just detonate an EMP bomb. The Iranian nuclear problem could be solved in about two seconds; just fry all their electronics. Originally Posted by joe bloe
Seriously over simplified solution.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 10-25-2012, 08:00 AM
shit ... dont tell COF. The next time he loses his internet connection a government missile did it.

that boy has enough drones to sewat about ... drones AND missiles will send him to the grave.
markroxny's Avatar
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
interesting so, we have an electronic EMP missle weapon.. very interesting.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 10-29-2012, 08:17 AM
interesting so, we have an electronic EMP missle weapon.. very interesting. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
Don't believe every piece of propaganda a defense contractor puts out....