UH OH.....

markroxny's Avatar
Who was it that posted that RCP Electoral map showed Romney ahead for the first time the other day?

Oh well, so much for that.


and oops
Keep Dreaming; North Carolina is NOT a toss up state any longer. The Obama campgain has pulled out............so give Romney 15 more and the electoral count is flipped !

Nice try.
What should worry you is that Democratic strongholds like PA, Iowa, WI, and NH are now Toss Ups !
markroxny's Avatar
Keep Dreaming; North Carolina is NOT a toss up state any longer. The Obama campgain has pulled out............so give Romney 15 more and the electoral count is flipped !

Nice try. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
but weren't you the one jumping for joy when the RCP Electoral map had Romney ahead last week?

Fuck, is Michigan now a toss up state ???????????

Damn, Romney is rolling over Obama territory.
markroxny's Avatar
You sound upset. LMAO
Upset; why, Romney is on path to crush Obama.
markroxny's Avatar
Not in the EC he aint.