joe bloe's Avatar
It looks like Americans may take a dim view of being lied to. This amazing fall in the polls has to be caused by Benghazigate.

Gallup: Obama's Job Approval Drops 7 Points in 3 Days

( - In the most precipitous decline it has seen in more than a year, President Barack Obama's job approval rating has dropped 7 points in three days, according to Gallup.
In the three-day period ending on Oct. 23, says Gallup, 53 percent said they approved of the job Obama was doing and 42 percent said they did not.
On Oct. 24, that dropped to 51 percent who said they approved and 44 percent who said they do not.
On Oct. 25, it dropped again to 48 percent who said they approved and 47 percent who said they do not.
On Oct. 26, it dropped yet again to 46 percent who said they approved and 49 percent who said they did not.
In May 2011, Obama's approval dropped 7 points in four days, sliding from 53 percent on May 24 to 46 percent on May 28.
TheDaliLama's Avatar

That's gonna leave a mark.
tttalinky's Avatar
The more details that come to the surface about Benghazigate the lower King Obama's approval will fall. He should have come clean with all the facts as soon as possible and he would not be in near as bad of a position.
joe bloe's Avatar
The more details that come to the surface about Benghazigate the lower King Obama's approval will fall. He should have come clean with all the facts as soon as possible and he would not be in near as bad of a position. Originally Posted by tttalinky
If Odumbo had used military force, and dealt with the terrorists decisively, his approval ratings would have gone up instead of down.
Maybe this will be the tipping point for Odumbo; I certainly hope so.
Well deserved drop too. I'm sure they're already packing as they know their time in the WH is limited. I'm sure Romney will be another fuck up, but we'll have 4 years to bash him as well.
cptjohnstone's Avatar
Well deserved drop too. I'm sure they're already packing as they know their time in the WH is limited. I'm sure Romney will be another fuck up, but we'll have 4 years to bash him as well. Originally Posted by icuminpeace
Guest123018-4's Avatar
Shit, he would have to be doing something in order for it to be called a job.
The only "job" he is doing is the "job" he is doing on us.
. Originally Posted by cptjohnstone
That is some funny shit...LOL
The Gallup poll? Isn't it skewed?
Yssup Rider's Avatar
joe bloe's Avatar
Well deserved drop too. I'm sure they're already packing as they know their time in the WH is limited. I'm sure Romney will be another fuck up, but we'll have 4 years to bash him as well. Originally Posted by icuminpeace
At least he won't screw things up on purpose. Obama hates America.
Seedy's Avatar
  • Seedy
  • 10-28-2012, 02:56 AM
Shit, he would have to be doing something in order for it to be called a job.
The only "job" he is doing is the "job" he is doing on us. Originally Posted by The2Dogs
He has another "job", providing blowjobs to folks like Soros.
LexusLover's Avatar
He has another "job", providing blowjobs to folks like Soros. Originally Posted by seedman55

Soros is gonna want a refund.
LovingKayla's Avatar
Totally skewed. It's more like, 70% disapprove. You fools here are the only ones that are still pumping water out of that traitors boat. Hmmmm what does that say about you, friends?
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 10-28-2012, 10:39 AM
Totally skewed. It's more like, 70% disapprove. You fools here are the only ones that are still pumping water out of that traitors boat. Hmmmm what does that say about you, friends? Originally Posted by LovingKayla
Traitors Boat?

And I'm not your friend.