This is a great detox bath that is cheap, works great,
and you can do at the house.
What you will need.
1. One large box of Baking Soda or Three small ones.
Two of the round boxes of Sea Salt, regular salt
can be used but sea salt is better. And a Bathtub.
What you do.
2. Start filling the tub with water, mix in all of the salt
and soda, swish the water around to start it dissolving,
get in the tub and fill it up half way with water as hot
as you can stand. Then turn the water flow down so
that the tub fills the rest of the way with hot water.
stay in the tub until the water has turned barley
Tricks for success.
3. Be sure and use enough of the salt and soda,
it sounds like a lot but that's what it takes.
Be sure and get the water as hot as you can stand,
you may have to adjust the water flow a few times
to get it just right. This will insure that your pores
get opened up really well. Stay in the tub as long
as you can, repossession every little bit to make
sure that all areas of your body get covered.
Be sure and shower off after you get through.
4. Do the detox bath every two or three weeks
to feel better and have better health, it is a
super stress reliever as well.
One more thing, don't plan on going anywhere for a
while after you do the detox, if it's done correctly
you will be too relaxed to do anything but go lie
down, it is also great to do after a full body massage.
For a super detox double the amount of Salt and Baking soda.