Boob Jobs

I have been wondering about....if you have a boob job and then you they remove them or leave em in?

Archeologists thousand of years from now might really wonder what the deal was?
dirty dog's Avatar
If they are made from Silicon I believe they have to remove them, saline, I think they can leave. But I dont work in a mortuary so I am not sure.
They leave them in...unless the person is being cremated...
so, Yes...after years and years, when the body has deteriorated and is long gone...You will find implants still under ground...if they are silicon.
It would seem wrong to remove them after the woman, in life, spent so much money to look that way.
According to a client who works in the ME department, most breast implants are taken out after death whether they are silicone or saline. The same as pace makers, they're taken out too.
According to a client who works in the ME department, most breast implants are taken out after death whether they are silicone or saline. The same as pace makers, they're taken out too. Originally Posted by MsElena
I have implants...and they give you a packet when you get them...explaining pretty much every possible future circumstance...That is not what I read.
Who knows.
BiggestBest's Avatar
They actually recycle them through the donor program.

(Just kidding...)
I want some new bewwbees...
I hope they leave them in when I die.
This has come up before on several boards . . In Kansas, if there is an autopsy, they're typically removed . . . if there is a cremation, they used to be removed as they were thought to damage the ovens but they are no longer removed in that case - they are simply consumed in the incineration. If there is no autopsy, and simply an embalming, they are left in place as long as they are intact. That information was supplied from the State of Kansas: Board of Mortuary Arts - (785) 296-3980.

Pacemakers are usually always taken out and destroyed or recycled after sterilization to developing countries where there law allows them to be reprogrammed and re-implanted. See

I have no idea how other jurisdictions view them (breast implants) postmortem, some States (this was a couple of years ago that the topic came up - so it may have changed since) required their removal as hazardous waste.


- Jackie
lol That would be a nice organ donation for a needy lady, for sure
mojoworkin's Avatar
Is there ANYTHING that Jackie can't answer?
Longermonger's Avatar
...and then they put a plastic plug up your butt. If you are lucky enough to have a vajayjay...that gets a plug too.
Is there ANYTHING that Jackie can't answer? Originally Posted by mojoworkin
Yes . . . there is, actually . . . and I'm out of town beginning tonight Mojo, so you can resume your regularly scheduled programming and let Longermonger answer everything <insert evil grin here>!


- Jackie
  • guykc
  • 06-09-2010, 10:17 PM
paris your bod looks perfect just the way it is.
lovelydonn's Avatar
No Paris they beautiful the way they are....perfect is the right word!
lovelydonn's Avatar
and Jackie it is always wonderful to read your knowledgeable always!!!!!!