Newbie here...

Well alright, I'm a recently divorced veteran who spends WAY too much time working, and doesn't have nearly enough time left over to pursue more personal ventures!

How do I get started?

It seems, just by glancing over a few profiles, that "newbies" aren't always accepted as clients... So how do the new guys (and gals) get around that?

Any advice, so far as contacting, ettiquette, etc... Would be much appreciated!

Thanks in advance... (I'm in Austin, Tx. By the way, if that matters at all).
You look for a newbie friendly provider, give her the info she needs to screen you, and you meet, you're respectful, you lay down the correct donation where she can see it, and you have fun, leave when you're supposed to.. a very happy boy.

Lots of providers in Austin btw. You should post this thread in Austin and see if you get any nibbles.

As for contact, every provider is different in how she likes to be contacted. Do your homework. Research her, her reviews, her site, etc... always be friendly and laid back. Don't be an ass.
Still Looking's Avatar
I hate it when guys are asses!
I am in a similar position. Im anxious to start out - but Im not seeing a lot of newbie friendly providers. I suppose that patience will pay off in the long run. I have messaged a couple of ladies in my area & provided info to them, but havent heard from them yet. One of them just posted an ad today... Im hoping she will take a chance on me.

I realize the risks involved though and completely understand why a lovely young lady would be hesitant. I would be to... its ok though. Im 10 kinds of patient.

In the meantime I read over some of the posts in the security alerts forums to get an idea of etiquette and what providers look for in terms of red flags.

Is there a definitive sticky or post detailing how to be courteous & professional from our end so that we both leave any encounter in raised spirits?
Thanks Voy... I appreciate it... I'll post in the Austin board too!
Just make sure to give her the info she needs to screen you. It's so she will feel safe. Make sure to go with a verified provider who has many reviews. It's scary for you but it's also scary for her. Most professionals (if you choose a professional) will keep your info confidential during the screening process. Or you can always get preferred411 and go that route, but you still run into the issue of not having any 'okays' on it and end up having to be screened there too.
john_deere's Avatar
i think p411 is a good value for a new guy. it's helped me.

semper fi!
pyramider's Avatar
I hate it when guys are asses! Originally Posted by Still Looking
You know you have LD wood working.

Newbies, make the Search tab your friend. Do your homework. If you do your homework everything will be spelled out for you. There are countless threads on this very subject,