R-Money keeps lying and the press corps keeps catching him

It's all over the InternetS! LMAO R-Money keeps shooting himself in the foot by trying to stage events that make him look like a caring candidate. Unfortunately for him, he just keeps getting caught up in his web of deceit.

In just over a week he has doubled down on the misinformation about Chrysler and Jeep even after being called on the carpet by major auto manufacturers.

Now, he's suspended his campaign stops to help the Hurricane victims with "Relief Events"!

LMAO. Talk about being too ignorant to understand that people can see right through his fake compassion and the "walking back" of his FEMA abolishment stance, now we have R-Money staffers buying fake attendee donations at Walmart so that it will look like R-Money is having his supporters help hurricane victims!

Not only did the simple logistics of getting the "donations" to the victims fail but now we find out Mittens bought the donations for the donors to donate.

That is as priceless as it sounds. I simply have to repeat his blunder one more time - He BOUGHT the donations so it would look like his fake "Storm Relief Event" had attendees really donating things to hurricane victims.

You just can't write stuff this stooooopid! This is from The Atlantic Wire:


A $5,000 Shopping Run to Walmart Turned Romney's Campaign Stop into a 'Relief Event'

Mitt Romney was really concerned that his "Storm Relief Event" in Kettering, Ohio yesterday would look like a dud, so he and his team stocked their donation tables with $5,000 worth of supplies at Walmart.

The props, according to Buzzfeed's McKay Coppins, were things like granola bars, canned food, and diapers which were strategically placed to make sure that the photographs taken at Romney's "Storm Relief" campaign didn't show a very 'un-busy', 'un-stocked' "relief table" (what else do you expect when you give people short notice to donate their canned goods?). But ... but ... look at how pretty all those fake donations look:

And apparently, the event was so manufactured that they allowed supporters to use the donations which were bought by the campaign, to donate back to the campaign.

According to Coppins:

Empty-handed supporters pled for entrance, with one woman asking, "What if we dropped off our donations up front?"

The volunteer gestured toward a pile of groceries conveniently stacked near the candidate. "Just grab something," he said.

Two teenage boys retrieved a jar of peanut butter each, and got in line. When it was their turn, they handed their "donations" to Romney. He took them, smiled, and offered an earnest "Thank you."

Fine. Maybe it doesn't matter who bought the goods as long as they all went to people in need

Edited to add - but why all the orchestration and deception if R-Money honestly wanted to help the victims? Well, of course, the answer is that he leaped on the opportunity just as he and Pvt. Ryan did with the fake dish-washing photo-op at the New York soup kitchen! Did I just say "If Mitt Romney honestly wanted to help victims?"

My bad!

When has R-Money EVER been honest? From tax returns, to offshore accounts, to first saying he'd abolish FEMA, to not revealing his economic plan's numbers, to not naming which loopholes he SAYS he would close in the budget to generate revenue -- Mitt is just a pathological liar about almost everything he's ever done or intends to do. LMAO!

"The campaign confirmed that it 'did donate supplies to the relief effort,' but would not specify how much it spent," reported Coppins.


Romney Rigs His Own ‘Relief Rally’ by Buying $5,000 Worth of Supplies

By: Sarah Jones October 31st, 2012

Want a photo-op with Mitt Romney just after Sandy made landfall in New Jersey? Just grab a pre-purchased jar of WalMart peanut butter and hand it to him at his “Relief Rally”. Heck, “Just grab something.” It’s not as if it matters what it is, because this is all just a Big Show.

Today we discover that those supplies at the Romney “Relief Rally” were not all random donations but rather buttressed with $5,000 worth of goods purchased by a desperate campaign as props.

The campaign planned to photo op Romney accepting food from supporters and loading a truck with food after the event, but what if no food showed up?

Buzzfeed is reporting:

But the last-minute nature of the call for donations left some in the campaign concerned that they would end up with an empty truck. So the night before the event, campaign aides went to a local Wal-Mart and spent $5,000 on granola bars, canned food, and diapers to put on display while they waited for donations to come in, according to one staffer. (The campaign confirmed that it “did donate supplies to the relief effort,” but would not specify how much it spent.)

What makes this so outrageous is that the Red Cross did not want the items the Romney campaign collected in the first place.

The Red Cross would have been better served with a $5,000 cash donation from the campaign. But that wouldn’t have allowed Romney to pose with canned goods and water as the Caring But Refusing to Answer Questions Republican Who May or May Not Want to Privatize FEMA.

Mitt Romney’s “relief rally” yesterday rang more like a typical campaign rally, except for the oddly similar stacks of food and water he photo-oped himself loading into a truck after the event.

It was odd to see, for example, what appeared to be multiple bags of uncooked rice going to people without power, but whatever, right?

No one ever claimed Romney or his followers were practical sorts.

The press was not impressed with Romney’s transparent attempts to keep campaigning through a disaster even before they knew it was staged with props, and they called him out on his “Victory Rally” (as their press passes read) repeatedly:

Here's a picture of the Press Pass:

They also called him out on his failure to answer questions about his position on FEMA. The campaign explained that the Victory Rally badges were printed up the day before, but what kind of campaign doesn’t reprint them for the optics alone?

How could R-Money do anything besides playing the role of the incessant Fuck-Up he really is if he were ever elected?

If the racists and the 1% weren't voting, Obama's election would be a cake walk.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
So, if you're not voting for Romney because he's a liar, how do you rationalize your vote for Obama, also a proven and demonstrable liar?
So, if you're not voting for Romney because he's a liar, how do you rationalize your vote for Obama, also a proven and demonstrable liar? Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy

You channeling Breitbart for your fiction these days, COF?

I haven't seen Obama having any "Fake Relief Events" like R-Money or washing clean pots and pans in a soup kitchen like R-Money and Pvt. Ryan.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
What about the other lies, Stevie? There are so many.
Stevie is just interested in keeping the reparations coming.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
wait a second. I thought this thread was about Romney's falsehoods. Figures that bitchita Whineman would be among the first to come to Romneys rescue.

If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck ...
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
I already voted, Assup. And it wasn't for Romney.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
prove it!

You got nothing, Whineman. but you have received a fair amount of ass whoopings in recent weeks.

Usually you pay extra for that kind of action, Elephant man!
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
LOL! Prove my vote! Assup, you get funnier all the time. I voted proudly for Gary Johnson. Just as I have said for months.

Yes, I am very anti-Obama. That doesn't mean I'm pro-Romney. In fact, in the long run, it might be better if Obama wins. I may start a thread on that later. It's been so long since I started a thread, you knoe.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
I can't believe a word you say, Rainbow. Most of it's bullshit anyway.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Have you caught on yet, Assup, that I don't really care what you think?

Have you caught on yet, Assup, that I don't really care what you think?

Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy

There is OVERWHELMING evidence that you don't care what YOU think yourself. Get back on track on this thread and explain R-Money's lies listed in the first post, Whiny!

There is OVERWHELMING evidence that you don't care what YOU think yourself. Get back on track on this thread and explain R-Money's lies listed in the first post, Whiny! Originally Posted by Little Stevie
The only thing StupidOldLoser is hoping to explain:

"Let's revisit in a couple years."
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Well, I'll agree the photo ops are silly, but if he had done nothing, people would complain about that, too. As far as the other things you discussed, I don't see the lies. So far as I know, all his financial dealings have been legal. If they haven't been, I'd support his prosecution.

And I'll even admit that Obama did a good job handling Sandy. It's a shame it took him so long to figure out what a President should do. Too bad he didn't learn it a few months ago. We might have had a different outcome in Benghazi.

We know Romney flip flops, and he can't be trusted to keep his campaign promises, at least the ones with enough specifics to know if he lied about them. But Obama has told egregious lie after lie after lie.

So the two major parties have given us two dishonest men from which to choose. That's why I voted for Gary Johnson.