What Is Your All time "Favorite" Sport to Watch Or Play? :-)

Sonya Playmate's Avatar

A: As I will go first my "favorite" sport is "basketball". What I'm best at is my "3" pointers. I'm a (true) baller...

Sport Fucking

Followed by:
ACC Basketball
Formula 1
Skysurfing , Skateboarding , and Surfing . I'm not one to sit and watch !
inchonjoe's Avatar
I love Roller Derby!
Alamo City Roller Girls. These girls rock! If you have never seen roller derby (not the TV kind - this is flat track. totally different than banked track.), then next season I'll take you and explain the game as it goes. Anyone interested, let me know! Not sure when the next season will start, maybe Feb or March?
ACRG had a 12 win (1 loss) season this last season. Totally awesome.
This is the 3rd season I have had season passes. I am addicted.

(to be fair, we also have two other teams in town. They are new, and I have not seen them play. They are not sanctioned yet (to my knowledge) by the WFTDA, the governing body.) One is called Bexar County Roller Girls, and I do not know the others name.)
GentlemanCaller007's Avatar
#1: Sonya & VLB going at it. Now there is a Pro sport!

#2: Women's Beach Volleyball - So sexy! Such grace. Misty and Kerri Rock!

#3: Women's College/Highschool Volleyball

#4: NBA Basketball

#5: Tennis
joesnapshot's Avatar
Football(NFL) by far!
Mokoa's Avatar
  • Mokoa
  • 11-04-2012, 03:33 PM
Sonya Playmate's Avatar
Also I'm a runner...
Hockey...both playing and watching. I'm a northern transplant.
BoomShakaLaka's Avatar
Motorsports of almost anykind, Drag Racing and Moto GP/ World Super Bike would be on the top of the list

SEC Football is 2nd
I also like #1... dat iz da shiz!

Personally the ABQ likes tequila games. So here is one to converse over.

This game is great to target one person or just make several enemies!
What you need:
Deck of cards
Shot glass
Tequila-lots of it.
Lay down 16 cards in rows of four then deal the rest of the cards to the players. Each player can look at their cards. Then one person flips over a card starting from the right right corner. The countdown begins “5…4..3…” and if someone has that card they can lay it down and say “fuck you” to any player they choose but they must state their name. Then the countdown starts over again and if no one else has that card by the time 0 is reached, the player who got fucked has to drink 1/2 a shot poured by the player that fucked them. But lets say someone else had that card too, then it would be 3/4 a shot. If all four cards are placed, the last player that got fucked gets a full shot poured by the player who fucked them. The game continues with the next card and up until the last card when the game is over. Have fun!

This might seem confusing but feel free to message me if you’re confused This is one of my favorite drinking games.
EXAMPLE: Lets say, Tim, Sasha, and Rob are playing. Tim flips over one of the cards and it’s a queen. He starts counting down from 5. Sasha has a queen in her hand so she puts it down and says “Fuck you Rob.” Then the countdown starts over and once it reaches to 0 and no one else puts down a queen Sasha gets to pour Rob half a shot. But lets say Tim had a queen too, so he puts it down before the count reaches 0 and he says “Fuck you Sasha.” so the countdown starts over and if no one else has a queen Tim gets to pour Sasha 3/4 a shot. But lets say Rob had a queen and he put it down before 0 and he says “Fuck you Tim.” So automatically Tim has to drink a full shot poured by Rob. The round starts again when the next card is flipped over Hopefully this example clears up any confusion!

Bonus round consists of eating half a bag of flaming hot cheetos and 3 shots of tequiila within 60 seconds.

#1: Sonya & VLB going at it. Now there is a Pro sport!

#2: Women's Beach Volleyball - So sexy! Such grace. Misty and Kerri Rock!

#3: Women's College/Highschool Volleyball

#4: NBA Basketball

#5: Tennis Originally Posted by GentlemanCaller007
basketball raquetball. watch soccer hockey football. btw sonya love the avatar.

A: As I will go first my "favorite" sport is "basketball". What I'm best at is my "3" pointers. I'm a (true) baller...

Originally Posted by Sonya Playmate
Sonya Playmate's Avatar
basketball raquetball. watch soccer hockey football. btw sonya love the avatar. Originally Posted by petiteassman

petiteassman, You rock!! "b-ball" is the best..Your welcome I like your avatar too lol very nice. :-)
Marcus78's Avatar
College Football is no. 1 by a mile in my book!
Next would be NFL.
After that, maybe a little baseball (college preferably) and I don't really care for basketball or other sports all that much.