Dick Morris backs off his Landslide Prediction. HA HA HA HA!

markroxny's Avatar
Trying to cover your fat ass Dickey boy???

Sorry Marshall! LOL

Morris warns of 'danger signs' for Romney; Obama polls benefit from Sandy


Only two days after declaring that Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney will “win in a landslide”, Republican strategist and Fox News contributor Dick Morris unexpectedly raced to revise his assessment of the 2012 race, warning of “sudden danger signs” in recent polling.
On November 2, Morris issued his dire pronouncement for the former Massachusetts governor's campaign, regarding the state of the race as grave for Romney, based on new polling of likely voters conducted by Rasmussen Reports in the wake of Hurricane Sandy.
Specifically, Morris cites similar poll movement in the final weekend before both the 2000 and 1992 presidential elections, attributing the aftermath of the storm to creating a backdrop of uncertainty and peril for Romney’s snakebitten campaign, while simultaneously enhancing President Barack Obama's favorable ratings with voters.
After clarifying the effect last-minute changes in polls can have on election outcomes, Morris raises his newfound distress over Romney losing the election in the final weekend by saying:
“With that caution in mind, a danger signal comes from the latest Rasmussen Poll reflecting a two point gain for Obama. Whereas before the storm, Rasmussen showed Romney two ahead, he now has the race tied at 48-48. That is troublesome.”
Morris regards the most recent state polling by Rasmussen to be even more foreboding for Romney’s fading electoral prospects, when he warns, “And, in Pennsylvania, Romney led on Wednesday night by two points but on Thursday night’s polling, he was tied. We have also seem slippage for Romney in Michigan.”
The greatest concern cited by Morris is the increase in President Barack Obama’s favorability rating in the days since Hurricane Sandy struck the northeastern region of the United States.
“More troubling, Rasmussen shows a two point gain for Obama in job approval rising from 48% to 50% in the current poll,” Morris continued in his statement, before reaching the conclusion, “All of these changes are, no doubt, related to Hurricane Sandy.”
Only two days before, on the Fox News program “The O’Reilly Factor”, Morris boldly declared that Romney would defeat President Barack Obama in a landslide. Morris told host Bill O’Reilly that flawed polling methodology was to blame for polls showing Obama with leads in several battleground states.
“In Florida, the Times says Obama is going to win by 1. But their sample has 7 points more Democrats than Republicans,” Morris complained to the popular talk-show host O’Reilly, according to a transcript on Real Clear Politics.
Morris is a well-respected Republican political consultant who catapulted to national fame as former Democrat President Bill Clinton’s campaign manager in the 1996 election, helping the incumbent overcome a politically devastating mid-term election only two years before to win a second-term in the White House.
UPDATE - 11/04/2012: Karl Rove is saying something similar about Romney's electoral chances. Read about it here.
markroxny's Avatar
Karl Rove smells it too. LMAO!

Is Romney winning? Karl Rove preparing for disaster saying Sandy benefits Obama

Republican political consultant Karl Rove called Hurricane Sandy the “October surprise” that will give President Barack Obama an advantage over challenger Mitt Romney, while analyzing the presidential race in an interview published in the Washington Post on November 3.
Rove is credited with being the mastermind behind the successful presidential campaigns of former President George W. Bush in the 2000 and 2004 elections. He was an early and consistent supporter of former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney during the Republican primaries and throughout the 2012 presidential race.
The strategist characterized the effects of the storm as allowing President Obama to gain a political advantage over Romney in the final week of the campaign by diverting attention away from the nation’s budgetary issues and economic condition, and redirecting it toward Obama's handling of the federal government response to alleviate the suffering those in the Northeast afflicted by Hurricane Sandy.
In the Washington Post interview, Karl Rove describes the impact of the superstorm on the presidential race by saying:
“It’s the October surprise. For once, the October surprise was a real surprise.”
The political consultant and former deputy White House chief of staff in the Bush administration characterized the shifting dynamic of the presidential race in the wake of Hurricane Sandy as taking Mitt Romney off of his campaign’s central message, and putting the focus entirely on President Barack Obama’s handling of the emergency response.
Rove acknowledged the game-changing nature of the storm on Romney’s dimming prospects in the presidential election by lamenting:
“If you hadn’t had the storm, there would have been more of a chance for the Romney campaign to talk about the deficit, the debt, the economy. There was a stutter in the campaign. When you have attention drawn away to somewhere else, to something else, it is not to his advantage.”
Rove is a top adviser to the American Crossroads SuperPAC, as well as Crossroads GPS, which is a 501(c)(4) non-profit organization for issue advocacy. The two groups have planned to spend as much as $300 million on the 2012 election to help elect Republican candidates across the nation, according to National Journal.
Steven Holmes is the Los Angeles Political Buzz Examiner.
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  • 11-05-2012, 08:35 AM
They know he is going to lose and want to blame the storm.

The fact is, after Obama's first debate, he was toast, he righted the ship in the next two debates and the polling was in his favor, it was just that Fox News can't say so. They need ratings. Morris and Rove need Fox News so they play along , they can't come out and say Romney is toast in Ohio. But they also need their credibility, that is why they are coming out so late with this Sandy bs.

Mitt will lose this election because of his article in the NYT on the auto bailout and because he never made the math work in the final two debates. With tax rates arlready so low , you can not cut 20% across the board and not say which deductions you will get rid of. Dat be some fuzzy math!
They know he is going to lose and want to blame the storm.

The fact is, after Obama's first debate, he was toast, he righted the ship in the next two debates and the polling was in his favor, it was just that Fox News can't say so. They need ratings. Morris and Rove need Fox News so they play along , they can't come out and say Romney is toast in Ohio. But they also need their credibility, that is why they are coming out so late with this Sandy bs.

Mitt will lose this election because of his article in the NYT on the auto bailout and because he never made the math work in the final two debates. With tax rates arlready so low , you can not cut 20% across the board and not say which deductions you will get rid of. Dat be some fuzzy math! Originally Posted by WDF

« How Lincoln Got Elected – Dick Morris TV: History Video!
Obama Blew It! Dick Morris TV: Special Election Alert! »

Obama Hit By Storm Backlash

By Dick Morris on November 3, 2012

Natural disasters usually follow the same political trajectory: First the incumbent experiences a bounce as he tours the impacted area, shows his concern, and pledges help to his beleaguered constituents. But then reality sets in and the shortages, delays, mishaps, deaths, and devastation becomes apparent and people turn against the incumbent.
George W. Bush had his Katrina.
And now Barack Obama has his Sandy.
Last week, Obama asserted a kind of ownership of the storm by touring New Jersey in the now infamous embrace of Republican stalwart Governor Chris Christie. Now that we are all appalled by the lack of food, gas, water, heat, and the basic essentials of life throughout the storm zone, Obama’s government doesn’t look so good anymore.
Why didn’t FEMA stockpile food, water, and gasoline? We had a week’s notice to prepare for Sandy. There was no shortage of time. Did the government not realize that people needed to eat, drink, and drive?
All throughout America, we are asking these questions of our television sets as we watch the evolving story of human misery.
Meanwhile, Obama has resumed the campaign trail, pounding the opposition in the same relentless and partisan style which he used before the storm. When Obama said that voting was “the best revenge,” he threw away whatever presidentiality he displayed in touring storm damage earlier in the week.
As he entered the last week before the Congressional election of 1994, President Clinton returned to the U.S. after having presided over the signing of a peace treaty between Israel and Jordan. He called me on his return and asked where he should campaign? Which incumbent Democrats should he try to help get re-elected?
I told him he should not campaign for any of them.
“No, you don’t understand,” he explained. I just came back from the Middle East and my ratings are up ten points. Before, I would have hurt the candidates I campaigned for, but not now. Now I can help them.”
“Your ratings are up because your trip hyped your presidentiality. Now, if you start campaigning, you’ll look like a politician and your ratings will come down again. You’ll end up doing more harm than good to those you are trying to help.”
He disregarded the advice and lost both houses of Congress in the elections.
Now Obama is making the same mistake. By campaigning, particularly by using the same harsh partisan rhetoric which has characterized his campaign, Obama is dragging down his ratings and with it his chances of victory.
Particularly when we see the juxtaposition of the mounting disaster in New York and New Jersey and the President out on the campaign trail attacking his opponents, we realize that Obama is a candidate before he is president, more worried about his second term than the welfare of his constituents.
In yesterday’s polling numbers, I saw a rise in Obama’s ratings and warned that the race was far from over. Now, we see him throwing it all away and resuming his crash into a single term presidency.
Morris is a sleazy shitbag. He's an attention-whore who will do or say anything to try to slither his way into the media spotlight. I don't read what he writes or listen to what he says.
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  • 11-05-2012, 08:56 AM
« , I saw a rise in Obama’s ratings and warned that the race was far from over. Now, we see him throwing it all away and resuming his crash into a single term presidency. Originally Posted by ChoomCzar
We will know by tomorrow night.

My guess is that Morris is covering his ass.

First a landslide. Which would have made him look like an idiot.

Then for his credibility, blame the storm.

The Fox political backlash of saying that Obama will win has him now doing this tippy toe.

Not to hard to see Marshy but you have to open your eyes and close your trap!

In Poker they call this 'tells'.

Romney is bluffing, Morris knows it and has covered his own ass so he can live another day on Fox.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Morris' credibility is on a level with some of the douchebags in this forum.

His intellectual honesty is even lower. Of course, he HAS an intellect...

Not surprised that Rove is backing off. He's trying to save his phony baloney job by lowering the bar in the 11th hour. That's an old consultant's trick. Unless he had polls showing his boy with at least 55%, it was the smart move for him. After all, he's going to have to answer to the Super PAC boys when the shit clears.
Munchmasterman's Avatar
« How Lincoln Got Elected – Dick Morris TV: History Video!
Obama Blew It! Dick Morris TV: Special Election Alert! »

Obama Hit By Storm Backlash

By Dick Morris on November 3, 2012

Natural disasters usually follow the same political trajectory: First the incumbent experiences a bounce as he tours the impacted area, shows his concern, and pledges help to his beleaguered constituents. But then reality sets in and the shortages, delays, mishaps, deaths, and devastation becomes apparent and people turn against the incumbent.
George W. Bush had his Katrina.
And now Barack Obama has his Sandy.
Last week, Obama asserted a kind of ownership of the storm by touring New Jersey in the now infamous embrace of Republican stalwart Governor Chris Christie. Now that we are all appalled by the lack of food, gas, water, heat, and the basic essentials of life throughout the storm zone, Obama’s government doesn’t look so good anymore.
Why didn’t FEMA stockpile food, water, and gasoline? We had a week’s notice to prepare for Sandy. There was no shortage of time. Did the government not realize that people needed to eat, drink, and drive?
All throughout America, we are asking these questions of our television sets as we watch the evolving story of human misery.
Meanwhile, Obama has resumed the campaign trail, pounding the opposition in the same relentless and partisan style which he used before the storm. When Obama said that voting was “the best revenge,” he threw away whatever presidentiality he displayed in touring storm damage earlier in the week.
As he entered the last week before the Congressional election of 1994, President Clinton returned to the U.S. after having presided over the signing of a peace treaty between Israel and Jordan. He called me on his return and asked where he should campaign? Which incumbent Democrats should he try to help get re-elected?
I told him he should not campaign for any of them.
“No, you don’t understand,” he explained. I just came back from the Middle East and my ratings are up ten points. Before, I would have hurt the candidates I campaigned for, but not now. Now I can help them.”
“Your ratings are up because your trip hyped your presidentiality. Now, if you start campaigning, you’ll look like a politician and your ratings will come down again. You’ll end up doing more harm than good to those you are trying to help.”
He disregarded the advice and lost both houses of Congress in the elections.
Now Obama is making the same mistake. By campaigning, particularly by using the same harsh partisan rhetoric which has characterized his campaign, Obama is dragging down his ratings and with it his chances of victory.
Particularly when we see the juxtaposition of the mounting disaster in New York and New Jersey and the President out on the campaign trail attacking his opponents, we realize that Obama is a candidate before he is president, more worried about his second term than the welfare of his constituents.
In yesterday’s polling numbers, I saw a rise in Obama’s ratings and warned that the race was far from over. Now, we see him throwing it all away and resuming his crash into a single term presidency. Originally Posted by ChoomCzar
Choom worships dick morris for one reason. He wants as much dick as he can get and with dick morris there is a lot to be had. Plus a lot of dick flavor covers up all the shit sandwiches he's been forced, excuse me I meant chosen, to eat lately.
And because he cuts and pastes a big dick story, he gets as much dick as he wants.
Morris is a sleazy shitbag. He's an attention-whore who will do or say anything to try to slither his way into the media spotlight. I don't read what he writes or listen to what he says. Originally Posted by wimpage

HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! You sacks of monkey shit act like I'm the OP!................

markroxny's Avatar
HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! You sacks of monkey shit act like I'm the OP!................

HA! HA! HA! Originally Posted by ChoomCzar
You were the one who posted Morris' original landslide prediction with glee Marshall.

I smell the fear all over you shitboy.
LexusLover's Avatar
I haven't seen any polls in days, if not weeks, outside the margin of error. The fundamentals discussed by Morris are statistically significant, because of his use of historical modeling results, which he has now included once current events changed.

As close as things seem to be its premature for either side to high-five right now. The fat lady ain't singing.
markroxny's Avatar
I haven't seen any polls in days, if not weeks, outside the margin of error. The fundamentals discussed by Morris are statistically significant, because of his use of historical modeling results, which he has now included once current events changed.

As close as things seem to be its premature for either side to high-five right now. The fat lady ain't singing. Originally Posted by LexusLover
LexusLover's Avatar
Not very many on here "inform" as I understand that term. And I do understand that term. In fact the "news" media is not even "informing" these days and haven't been for four years now ... their goal is to get someone re-elected irrespective of the costs to the United States of America and the future of the U.S. citizens.

Look around. This is the best its gonna be for quite awhile. You might even call it ...

......... "the Good Ole Days" sometime in the future.
TheDaliLama's Avatar
I just saw Morris on the tube and he hasn't changed his mind about anything.
markroxny's Avatar
I just saw Morris on the tube and he hasn't changed his mind about anything. Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
He's did when he wrote this on his OWN site.


Guess he's learned to flip flop like Romney.