I'm SO Excited!!!

Baby will be here soon and that means I can start losing weight again! Thank goodness! I plan on starting to eat healthy asap this month (Trader's Joe and Costco's organic food). But once I heal after baby girl is born I will start working out hardcore. I'm going to reattempt P90X and a light juice cleanse. No worries I will be watching my calories for breastfeeding. I will also be using body wraps like crazy. Hopefully once I come back from maternity leave (estimate 12 weeks after birth) I will look sexy as hell (I hope). I want to get a flat stomach, perky butt, and more energy! I am so excited to be losing weight again. This will probably become my New Year's Resolution. Anyone want to join for New Year's?
mikedmato's Avatar
Excited for ya (and me) lol
Rocket210's Avatar
I have a great nutrition drink if your interested! I use during off season training and it works awesome! It gives you nutrition out foods lacks helps with weight loss and speeds up recovery times!
pallmallblue747's Avatar
I love your enthusiasm mamacita! Looking forward to watching your progress
Woohoo! I have insanity if you are interested I can give you copies of the DVD s. just pm me .
bamatide's Avatar
Wishing you the best of luck. My advice have fun with it.
I want copies
We never even started our workout...lol we just kept talking about it over dinner lol
Theres something about cold weather that makes me want to workout
Yay and Pm me .. Since no one has mentioned anything about a bby shower or diaper party I would like to see if you would like one??

Let me know and maybe we can do something like a Diaper Party ((bring diapers, wash clothes, powders, bby bottom lotion, wipes, & blankets)) and just a private party at a restraunt or bar.. nothing too wild but simple ... cake ,gifts and if anyone wants to go somewhere after they can...

but like i said just pm me and maybe we can do this soon or after the baby.

Secret Encounters /S.L dd's
Aww that'd be great!

Yay and Pm me .. Since no one has mentioned anything about a bby shower or diaper party I would like to see if you would like one??

Let me know and maybe we can do something like a Diaper Party ((bring diapers, wash clothes, powders, bby bottom lotion, wipes, & blankets)) and just a private party at a restraunt or bar.. nothing too wild but simple ... cake ,gifts and if anyone wants to go somewhere after they can...

but like i said just pm me and maybe we can do this soon or after the baby.

Secret Encounters /S.L dd's Originally Posted by SECRET ENCOUNTERS
I want copies
We never even started our workout...lol we just kept talking about it over dinner lol
Theres something about cold weather that makes me want to workout Originally Posted by MsPrittiKitti
Heehee I remember. Our work out was being worked on and then I got pregnant LOL!