Obama Four More Years

ad1179's Avatar
Obama Four More Years
  • jt3
  • 11-07-2012, 12:20 AM

At least they don't wear magic underwear.
atxdrew's Avatar
I agree that the Republicans have some repairing to do in the way their message gets out to the people, but when half of the country is f%$cking braindead, it is hard to convince them into voting with any sense. The FAR left wing hijacked the Dumbocratic party long ago. I hope all of you libs will like what the next four years brings when Osamabama has four more years to completely finish this country off. His "FUNDAMENTAL CHANGE" that he referred to four years ago is not change for the good, too many of you are just too uninformed to understand that. New taxes embedded into every peice of legislation and mandate that these libs push through will continue to slow our economy, build debt and ruin us. One morning in the not to distance future I will wake up, fold out the flap on my cardboard box under the bridge right next to yours, and tell you, "I told you so DUMBASS",

this is just to funny not to post..
ThrillBill88's Avatar
  • E2
  • 11-07-2012, 11:16 AM
Thank God the Electoral College synced up with the popular vote !!
Passion2015's Avatar
The key with politics is not to tell it like it is before you get elected. Definately don't use the deficit and unemployment on your platform, why, because the typical American doesn't give a shit about debt and they keep spending until they are threatened for payments past due and then they either say who cares or file bankruptcy and for unemployment the typical American is lazy and would rather get everything for free.
Your platform needs to be about abortion and gay rights that's our biggest problem in the United States. What the help were the republicans thinking????
HELL YES 76's Avatar
Is there a place (country) conservatives go to now that Obama got 4 more yrs?
Some place that would refect there values?
atxdrew's Avatar
Is there a place (country) conservatives go to now that Obama got 4 more yrs?
Some place that would refect there values? Originally Posted by HELL YES 76
Cayman Islands? Switzerland? Arkansas?
Carl's Avatar
  • Carl
  • 11-07-2012, 02:45 PM
Somalia, Singapore, Pakistan, North Korea, Russia, China, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Cuba ...
teyeger72's Avatar
I'll take the Caymans...
LordBeaverbrook's Avatar
Is there a place (country) conservatives go to now that Obama got 4 more yrs?
Some place that would refect there values? Originally Posted by HELL YES 76
Somalia, it is the ultimate libertarian fantasy with almost no central government and freedom for all to take if you can.