Ladies, what do you do when a client gets TOO attached?

Poet Laureate's Avatar
I'm a romantic; always have been. But I have never gotten to the point where I thought I was in love with a provider. I've heard that this sometimes happens, and the romantic in me was inspired to write a poem about it. So please feel free to comment on how good - bad - cheesy - stupid - accurate - whatever my poem is, and then tell me your 'Oh shit, I think this guy loves me' story.
He’ll give you the shirt right off of his back
He’ll seem like a gift from above
He’ll give you his all, but providers beware
Of the hobbyist looking for love

He falls in love deep and he falls in love fast
He just doesn’t play by the rules
If you’re his provider, then sister take care
If he chooses you as his jewel

It’s all good at first; he’ll see you a lot
Convinced there’s a real connection
He’ll speak of your beauty, your scent and your grace
Believing you share his affection

But ladies, take note, pay heed to my words
This fella is not what he seems
For soon he’ll be jealous you see other men
And that spells the end of his dreams

Instead of affectionate, kindly and sweet
Instead of deep caring for you
There’s anger and hurt, sometimes even rage
You know what you now have to do

As much as you hate to hurt him at all
To let him down gently you try
But the last thing you see ere closing your door
Is the hurt as he’s saying goodbye

He gave you the shirt right off of his back
He seemed like a gift from above
But now he’s in pain as he goes on his way
The hobbyist looking for love
Wow...that's very well-stated

Now here's how I turn down marriage offers....

Re-affirm how you both have a good connection...but it's not just the right time in your life ie you're too young etc etc

Re-affirm how you both have a good connection...make the client feel very close to you...make him feel as if he's inside your him inside there...and he's loyal to you forever. A loyal client that is. Lifetime membership :P
As with any relationship, be it an hour at a time, you have to establish healthy boundaries. I think its cruel to milk someone for money by manipulating their emotions. I think a good provider can give you that over the top gfe with the IOP and then slowly bring your client back to reality by just being yourself afterwards. I see nothing wrong with being friend's, as much as this hobby world allows, with your good clients as long as you are ethical enough to be honest. In my experience, hobby relationships are intense, passionate, wonderful, heartbreaking and eventually drive you to madness if eithier decide to stay in the hobby.
Whispers's Avatar
I'm a romantic; always have been. But I have never gotten to the point where I thought I was in love with a provider. I've heard that this sometimes happens, and the romantic in me was inspired to write a poem about it. So please feel free to comment on how good - bad - cheesy - stupid - accurate - whatever my poem is, and then tell me your 'Oh shit, I think this guy loves me' story. Originally Posted by Poet Laureate
Romantic notions about a Provider huh?

Maybe it's because she reminds you of how hot your daughter looks?

Or does it develop from those special feelings you get when you ignore the fact that she does not offer certain activities and has told you NO and continue to negotiate to wear her down?

One you develop feelings for her does the sharing of private locker room information with her come as a sign of your love? Or is that part of the negotiating for activities she does not provide?

Inquiring Minds!
Whispers's Avatar
I see nothing wrong with being friend's, as much as this hobby world allows, with your good clients as long as you are ethical enough to be honest.

In my experience, hobby relationships are intense, passionate, wonderful, heartbreaking and eventually drive you to madness if either decide to stay in the hobby. Originally Posted by Scarlett Rossi
Well Stated!
As with any relationship, be it an hour at a time, you have to establish healthy boundaries. I think its cruel to milk someone for money by manipulating their emotions. I think a good provider can give you that over the top gfe with the IOP and then slowly bring your client back to reality by just being yourself afterwards. I see nothing wrong with being friend's, as much as this hobby world allows, with your good clients as long as you are ethical enough to be honest. In my experience, hobby relationships are intense, passionate, wonderful, heartbreaking and eventually drive you to madness if eithier decide to stay in the hobby. Originally Posted by Scarlett Rossi

Very eloquently spoken. Especially the "drive you to madness" statement.

Romantic notions about a Provider huh?

Maybe it's because she reminds you of how hot your daughter looks?

Or does it develop from those special feelings you get when you ignore the fact that she does not offer certain activities and has told you NO and continue to negotiate to wear her down?

One you develop feelings for her does the sharing of private locker room information with her come as a sign of your love? Or is that part of the negotiating for activities she does not provide?

Inquiring Minds! Originally Posted by Whispers

Really?? Can it be he?? That would imply two handles..
Whispers's Avatar
Very eloquently spoken. Especially the "drive you to madness" statement.

Really?? Can it be he?? That would imply two handles.. Originally Posted by SeX PisToL

Nope... He just changed it for SOME reason. Certainly not to try to get away from his opinions that I referenced wouldn't you think? Most men stand by their words and actions and don't try to escape them.
U must be refering to the ROVER hes a STALKER ladiez beware!
im retiring partly bc of men being to attached and being constantly harassed by evil emotions and lies!
As with any relationship, be it an hour at a time, you have to establish healthy boundaries. I think its cruel to milk someone for money by manipulating their emotions. I think a good provider can give you that over the top gfe with the IOP and then slowly bring your client back to reality by just being yourself afterwards. I see nothing wrong with being friend's, as much as this hobby world allows, with your good clients as long as you are ethical enough to be honest. In my experience, hobby relationships are intense, passionate, wonderful, heartbreaking and eventually drive you to madness if eithier decide to stay in the hobby. Originally Posted by Scarlett Rossi
Scarlett I agree with you 100%! There are so many ladies that have the intentions or jump on the opportunity to take advantage and suck a man dry or attempt. I have heard many ladies talk about this and it just baffles me every time.

One have you no heart and two who wants to deal with that headache of all that is to come after? Not me.

I have someone that I like to see on a regular basis, but we have boundaries and both respect them.