Obama Supporters

Rossboss's Avatar
Let me know where you live and I'll be right over to bitch slap your dumb ass
Go suck a mormon tool, LOOOOOOSER!
Ross, please move to Ohio and start there. Let me know how it goes.

In case you haven't noticed, Governor Romney won the state of TX (which was expected).
PM me OP and I will give you my address. My boys in Juarez are also in town so maybe you can meet them too. Please send me a dope PM this sounds like fun for the ABQ on a Thursday.
flinde's Avatar
RossBoss, maybe this website will cheer you up.


I understand from his website that Romney is selecting Quico Conseco as treasury secretary and Allen West of Florida as Secretary of Defense. Rick Perry will be in charge of getting rid of lots of departments, I forget which ones.

And the website says Herman Cain will be running the EEOC, with binders full of hot babes to help him out.

Oh, and I'm easy to find if you want to bitchslap me. I was the only guy in my neighorhood of $600k and up houses with my Obama sign in my front yard.
delivery guy's Avatar
Looks like a good Thursday morning ! Gonna get my popcorn ready !!!
there is a much bigger prob... even if mitt won half the country would have opposed, just as half the country opposed obama winning... the house is w/repub... nothing will get done for the next 4 years again...

47% of americans get "free" stuff from the govt... of course they are going to vote for the home boy who says... its okay to be a loser...

when they find out that taxing the so-called "rich" does not even come close to fixing our economy and that EVERYONE will have to pay taxes, and pay for health care... these lazy losers will be looking for help from republicans to come fix this mess....! HELLO GREECE nice to meet you in the bankrupt country line....
greenhorn1960's Avatar
So Flinde, will you be hosting a "beer summit."
bushmasterM4's Avatar
wake me when the recovery happens. income is way down and had to let go of several employees. Can only hobby maybe once a month. Before I was hobbying 4 to 5 times a month. That means less income for my regular ladies and any newbies at least from me. If things turn around and I am better off in 4 years than great I will vote democrat. But I just dont see that happening. I am glad your guy won if it makes you happy but as far as economic policies go it does not look good. I am not supporting bitch slapping anyone by the way because I feel we are getting bitch slapped already whether we want to admit to it or not.
igloo1200's Avatar
[QUOTE][wake me when the recovery happens. income is way down and had to let go of several employees. Can only hobby maybe once a month. Before I was hobbying 4 to 5 times a month. That means less income for my regular ladies and any newbies at least from me. If things turn around and I am better off in 4 years than great I will vote democrat. But I just dont see that happening. I am glad your guy won if it makes you happy but as far as economic policies go it does not look good. I am not supporting bitch slapping anyone by the way because I feel we are getting bitch slapped already whether we want to admit to it or not. /QUOTE]

BushMaster ,You took the words out of my mouth... want me to vote Demo ? Give me lonestar, obamaphone, housing and free insurance...
you got my vote ...Or get me a subsidized home next door to Flinde ... $75.00 per month utilities included will do.

Im Pissed
Precious_b's Avatar
I would have accepted either party in office (even though I had a preference for one of them.)

Free stuff, both sides get it. Be it the 47% you refer to or those inside the Beltway taking advantage of the benefits that the whole USA pays for them that they can afford on their own.

The taxing of the rich definitely won't even things up.

But I tell you what I would wholeheartedly back up: ANYONE who would make accountable those that caused the failure of the banking industry along with the responsible parties to the Subprime fiasco.

I would vote them in repeatedly. People have to be responsible for their actions.
bigplayantx's Avatar
there is a much bigger prob... even if mitt won half the country would have opposed, just as half the country opposed obama winning... the house is w/repub... nothing will get done for the next 4 years again...

47% of americans get "free" stuff from the govt... of course they are going to vote for the home boy who says... its okay to be a loser...

when they find out that taxing the so-called "rich" does not even come close to fixing our economy and that EVERYONE will have to pay taxes, and pay for health care... these lazy losers will be looking for help from republicans to come fix this mess....! HELLO GREECE nice to meet you in the bankrupt country line.... Originally Posted by lasvegas

Obama won the Hispanic vote, the under 35 vote and the women vote...so according to your theory hispanic females under 35 get free stuff?? Guess they are losers according to you.
  • Laz
  • 11-08-2012, 09:25 PM
The election made one thing VERY clear. The republicans are doing a horrible job of communicating their message. With Obama's economic policies as bad as they are there can be no other answer. We can try to blame whoever but it is the republicans job to communicate their vision and they failed miserably.
Guest010619's Avatar
there is a much bigger prob... even if mitt won half the country would have opposed, just as half the country opposed obama winning... the house is w/repub... nothing will get done for the next 4 years again...
Give it two years when buyers remorse has completely kicked in. Then the Senate will go back to the Republicans. Funny, I think I've lived through this in some past life.