Americans are stupid. Why????????

waverunner234's Avatar
Take some time to think about it.
Easy question to answer.....educational system doesn't educate people with the truth but indoctrinates them in radical media doesn't tell the truth but gives them radical idiotology......liberals have overwhelming dominated education and media for over 50 years.......

the response to my post is gonna be personal attacks, claims what I say is not true, citing examples of exceptions, etc etc.......I don't think the system is gonna collapse anytime soon, but it will. Then reality therapy will cure this problem....we get to watch Europe to see how it will play out for us.....
like the monkey self-trapped with his hand through a hole in a tree grasping onto a banana as a ravenous lion approaches, the american idiots wont drop the promise of an obama-banana for what is best

(puns, mental images and all word games intended)
Keep your hands off Obama's banana.