
livn2do's Avatar
Started the day astounded by the possibility, then humbled by the nagging doubts, finally ignited by the who the hell cares. Problem is, I do.
Couture's Avatar
Sounds like you where on an emotional rollercoaster ride???

Personally...I HATE that stupid rollercoaster after the ride is over!
livn2do's Avatar
Not an emotional one but something that I was hoping could forge a path into the future but got derailed because of my past. The past is the past and I can't undo the sins that now follow me nor do I necessarily want to because in some ways they define who I am and I'm good with who and what I am.

And I'm with you babe. The rollercoaster is a blast until it's time to get off so I think I'll just stay in my seat and keep enjoying the ride.
If I recall correctly, it wasn't just your past the rollercoaster was concerned with. It was a variety of things, perhaps one of them being your need to discuss things of this manner on a board like this. Sure, there's a veil surrounding it, but it's a thin one. I, for one, prefer to stay behind a thick, velvet curtain. But to each their own.
livn2do's Avatar
The only problem with velvet regardless of its thickness is that it tends to wear out rather quickly and then pretty soon you can see right through it. From what little I know of you, you strike me as more of a Kevlar type person. Tough as nails. The velvet though, especially if it is red, does lend to the imagination.
Red velvet? I prefer olive green silk, brings out the color of my eyes! Ooh, or fuzzy zebra striped!!! Oh who am I kidding, naked. Definitely naked.
livn2do's Avatar
Naked works for me.