Adding pic to avatar

OK, now be gentle as I'm computer challenged. How do I add a pic? In the very simplest laymans terms please....
Are you trying to add as a link from another site?

If so, then there is a little button above the text box, that looks like a picture. Click on that and add the link to the picture in the box that pops up.

If you want to add from your computer, click on the button toward the bottom, Manage Attachments.

You then click on upload and navigate to where the picture is on your computer.

OOPS, Helps if I read the title... Go to your CP, and there is a section for Avatar. Click on that and you can upload your pic.

Good luck.

button above text box??? CP?? I say I was not the shinnest rock in the pile...
OK, now I got it...thanks
On the lift side, under Main Menu is User CP

On the left on that screen is Edit Avatar

On the bottom of that screen is a button for Custom Avatar

Then you can choose either a file from a website or from your computer.
Omahan's Avatar
And remember ECCIE image standards when choosing an avatar.
Mokoa's Avatar
  • Mokoa
  • 06-12-2010, 11:33 PM
Also for avatars, the image you choose needs to be no longer than 150 pixels on the longest side. Use JPG or GIF files.