CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 11-16-2012, 01:50 PM
they do that so mouth breathers will fold up like a cheap card table and crap in their diapers for weeks on end ...

surprised you had to ask, now go change your diaper.
tttalinky's Avatar
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
they do that so mouth breathers will fold up like a cheap card table and crap in their diapers for weeks on end ...

surprised you had to ask, now go change your diaper. Originally Posted by CJ7
Will defend Obama no matter what. Fun to watch. Sad to see, but fun to watch.

They could save a lot of energy by shutting off the Obamatron. Apparently, they haven't.

markroxny's Avatar
From your own article:

King also says that Petraeus claimed today that in his prior testimony to Congress he characterized the attack in Benghazi as terrorism. King recalls Petraeus’ prior testimony differently.

Petraeus also testified today that he has no idea who altered the CIA’s talking points on Benghazi. Petraeus also did not know what information was provided to Susan Rice, or that she was going to appear on talk shows to discuss Benghazi.
Connect the dots dumbMarx......the Petraeus report was altered, leaving out the Al Qaeda references....who do you think benefited from the omissions ???

The only explanation is it was the Obama WH !

CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 11-16-2012, 02:04 PM
Will defend Obama no matter what. Fun to watch. Sad to see, but fun to watch.

They could save a lot of energy by shutting off the Obamatron. Apparently, they haven't.

Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy

ok, fine ... remind everyone exactly what consequences are involved for doing such a terrible deed ... Rice wont get nominated? Petreaus resigns?

fyi, the Powerline blog is a handful of lawyers with the assistance of the internet ...

lawyers ... internet .. gotta be true !

speaks for itself doesnt it? ...
markroxny's Avatar
Connect the dots dumbMarx......the Petraeus report was altered, leaving out the Al Qaeda references....who do you think benefited from the omissions ???

The only explanation is it was the Obama WH !

http://www.therightscoop.com/bolton-...alking-points/ Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Benefit? I'm sorry kid but you don't have your smoking gun.

You are also assuming that the info she and Congress was given was ONLY based on the Petraeus report.

You got ONE person's testimony so far and you are off to the races.

Typical tho.
The only explanation as to how the talking points on Benghazi were edited to remove references to Al Qaeda and Ansar Al Sharia is that the White House did it. It’s perfectly consistent with the fact that top level officials in intelligence and the State Department and elsewhere don’t have a clue who wrote the final talking points for Ambassador Rice.

But let's put Rice under oath and see what she has to say..........right?

Dollars-to-doughnuts Rice will claim executive privilege if she is subpoenaed.
LexusLover's Avatar
Connect the dots ... Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Can't do it... this is the paint by numbers crowd only. But don't worry ....

.... let 'em keep casting out illogical explanations the contradict one another.

Since now the Director has disclosed the information was there within 24 hours describing a terrorist attack with al queda connections and NO connections to any movie ... let the liars sort out their story to try and fit the Director's version ....

.. but don't allow them to engage in petty, creative word smithing to avoid culpability..... trying to stir up another smoke screen.
Connect the dots dumbMarx......the Petraeus report was altered, leaving out the Al Qaeda references....who do you think benefited from the omissions ???

The only explanation is it was the Obama WH !

http://www.therightscoop.com/bolton-...alking-points/ Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Interesting questions to this whole thing. Why did this whole thing in Libya go down. Who did the killing, who benefits and who has the power to cover it up?
markroxny's Avatar
Guys, stop salivating and breathe. You are so happy you think you have something you aren't even bolstering your own argument correctly.

HERE is what you should be quoting along the lines of your thinking. And this gets to the real question that needs to be answered.

NBC’s Kelly O’Donnell reported that members of the Senate Intelligence Committee said after hearing from Petraeus that Obama administration officials made a decision to hold back as classified information an explicit depiction of Benghazi incident as an act of terrorists -- therefore that description did not make it into the “talking points” that the administration prepared for officials when they went on TV talk shows and spoke to reporters.

Instead, the initial talking points focused on spontaneous reactions to an anti-Islamic video as a spark for the attack. Five days after attack, the administration dispatched U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice to speak on the Sunday news shows to offer a preliminary explanation of the attack, which she attributed to an anti-Islamic video that was circulated on YouTube.
In the attack Ambassador Chris Stevens and three other Americans – Glen Doherty, Tyrone Woods and Sean Smith – were killed.

Keeping as classified the determination that the Benghazi attack was the work of terrorists may have been done in order to help pursue those very same terrorists.

“There might have been two tracks happening all along: the public statements that were reflecting part of what they may have known” and the classified information that terrorists had been the ones attacking the consulate.


If the Obama made a decision to hold back information from the general talking points that it considered to be classified while they continued to pursue the perpetrators than that's it, the conspiracy is dead.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 11-16-2012, 02:21 PM
paint by numbers is far more advanced than connecting the dots ... ask any 1st grader.
Right wingers are still using crayolas..
I B Hankering's Avatar
paint by numbers is far more advanced than connecting the dots ... ask any 1st grader. Originally Posted by CJ7
No doubt you are providing a first-hand account of knowledge you've gained from personal experience.