America: A Nation Full Of Poor People Pretending To Be Rich

SEE3772's Avatar
Guest123018-4's Avatar
Yep, there are a lot of people like that and they expect that they can continue to borrow and spend and spend and borrow as long as they can keep making that minimum payment.
It is fascinating how many people believe they will never have to pay what they owe and in many cases have no intention of paying what they owe.
The end result is that they vote in a government that protects them, not from themselves, but from the idiots that loaned them money expecting to be paid back.
Fast Gunn's Avatar
Well, that is an interesting chart.

However, the quality of life in any country has many more dimensions besides the financial one.

. . . According to the chart, Russia is doing better than all the countries per that measure, but living there as in India would be total hell!
Yep, there are a lot of people like that and they expect that they can continue to borrow and spend and spend and borrow as long as they can keep making that minimum payment.
It is fascinating how many people believe they will never have to pay what they owe and in many cases have no intention of paying what they owe.
The end result is that they vote in a government that protects them, not from themselves, but from the idiots that loaned them money expecting to be paid back. Originally Posted by The2Dogs

Kinda like financing two wars and medicaid on borrowed money.I never understood the math on cutting taxes and then borrowing money to finance your projects,Must be some republican logic that is lost on the Independents...