10th Annual Trafficking in Persons Report

LynetteMarie's Avatar
Thought I'd share this from the reactions to a previous thread.

The 10th Annual Trafficking in Persons Report was released this morning.
The report is available in HTML and PDF format.
Oh, and it's almost 400 pages so...don't hit print.

from state.gov

Letter from Secretary

Office To Monitor and Combat Trafficking in Persons

Trafficking in Persons Report 2010

Dear Reader:

I am pleased to celebrate and reflect upon the last decade of progress identifying and fighting the phenomenon of modern slavery. Ten years ago, the United Nations negotiated the international standards against trafficking in persons and the United States enacted the Trafficking Victims Protection Act. Since then, the international community has witnessed tangible progress in the effort to end the scourge of trafficking in persons. More victims have been protected, more cases have been successfully prosecuted, and more instances of this human rights abuse have been prevented.

Countries that once denied the existence of human trafficking now work to identify victims and help them overcome the trauma of modern slavery, as well as hold responsible those who enslave others. Although progress has undoubtedly been made against this global phenomenon, there is more work to do. This annual assessment is an opportunity to diagnose the world’s efforts to implement the “3P” paradigm of prevention, protection, and prosecution. Based on lessons learned, we must work together with civil society, the corporate sector, and across governments through the “fourth P” – partnership – toward a world in which every man, woman, and child is safe from the hands of traffickers and can realize their God-given potential.

The 10th annual Trafficking in Persons Report outlines the continuing challenges across the globe, including in the United States. The Report, for the first time, includes a ranking of the United States based on the same standards to which we hold other countries. The United States takes its first-ever ranking not as a reprieve but as a responsibility to strengthen global efforts against modern slavery, including those within America. This human rights abuse is universal, and no one should claim immunity from its reach or from the responsibility to confront it.

This year’s report highlights several key trends, including the suffering of women and children in involuntary domestic servitude, the challenges and successes in identifying and protecting victims, and the need to include anti-trafficking policies in our response to natural disasters, as was evident in the aftermath of this year’s earthquake in Haiti.

Ending this global scourge is an important policy priority for the United States. This fluid phenomenon continues to affect cultures, communities, and countries spanning the globe. Through partnerships, we can confront it head-on and lift its victims from slavery to freedom.

Hillary Rodham Clinton
  • thx
  • 06-15-2010, 10:12 PM
I bet you $ that Hillary never read the 'full' report. Ok, perhaps, that is harsh. The report will put you to sleep due to its repetitive nature and data porn.

This feels like the recently (greatly) expanded ADA eligibility list. (LOL)
What Is Trafficking in Persons?http://www.state.gov/g/tip/rls/tiprpt/2010/142747.htm

page 25 for US stats
LynetteMarie's Avatar
Thanks for the links!

I am impressed that you took the time to peruse the document! I have yet to find a few hours to read the whole thing...hopefully this weekend by the pool. Yeah, I'll be sure to slather myself with zinc in preparation.
400 pages. Ouch.
This comes at the perfect time for me. I'm attending a conference this summer and there are various learning tracks: one is world affairs. In addition to sessions called "what is a glass of water worth", one class is on the state of human trafficking. At first I was just attending that one because of scheduling conflicts, but I'm starting to think there might be someone trying to get me to pay attention because here this is.....thank you both -- I'm off to do some light reading.

ps: "data porn"...heehee
LynetteMarie's Avatar
This comes at the perfect time for me. I'm attending a conference this summer and there are various learning tracks: one is world affairs. In addition to sessions called "what is a glass of water worth", one class is on the state of human trafficking. ... Originally Posted by Sydneyb
Awww. At first I thought you were referring to the Desiree Alliance conference and I got all excited to be able to finally meet you!

But when you mentioned the session about "what is a glass of water worth," I realized you are probably attending a different conference. (One of our presentations is on the "value of sex work," so kinda' parallel in a way!)

Hope you've enjoyed the light reading and I do hope to meet you some day.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 06-20-2010, 09:32 AM
This comes at the perfect time for me. I'm attending a conference this summer and there are various learning tracks: one is world affairs. In addition to sessions called "what is a glass of water worth", Originally Posted by Sydneyb
“Whiskey’s for drinking, water’s for fighting about.” — Mark Twain

You boys and girls read that report and you might realize that most of the world is working in forced bondage in one form or other!
...you might realize that most of the world is working in forced bondage in one form or other! Originally Posted by WTF
Here we call it Federal Income Taxes.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 06-21-2010, 07:15 AM
Here we call it Federal Income Taxes. Originally Posted by pjorourke
LOL.......No shit , if every job used this reports standards damn near all of us could be considered slaves!

LynetteMarie's Avatar
Again, I'm glad and impressed a number of you are reading it!
LOL about Federal Income Taxes.

WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 06-21-2010, 08:33 PM
Again, I'm glad and impressed a number of you are reading it!
LOL about Federal Income Taxes.

Cheers! Originally Posted by LynetteMarie
Reading it and agreeing with it are two different things Lynette!
LynetteMarie's Avatar
Reading it and agreeing with it are two different things Lynette! Originally Posted by WTF
I didn't say anything about agreeing with it, silly! I'm just glad that I've reached a number of you here and stirred you enough to take the time to read or at least peruse it.

We all have different opinions and views on things and I appreciate when people share their views. I view it as an opportunity to learn and grow from others. We're all in this world together, after all.
Rudyard K's Avatar
silly! Originally Posted by LynetteMarie
That's about the nicest name you've ever been called, isn't it WTF?

You've got to admit...you kind of like it...don't ya?
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 06-21-2010, 11:02 PM
We're all in this world together, after all. Originally Posted by LynetteMarie
Except for the suicidal amongst us! They checking out early and I can't say as I blame'em!

That's about the nicest name you've ever been called, isn't it WTF?

You've got to admit...you kind of like it...don't ya? Originally Posted by Rudyard K
If I was laying next to her and she had those same panties on she has in herr avatar, I'd like it even more!
LynetteMarie's Avatar
Except for the suicidal amongst us! They checking out early and I can't say as I blame'em! Originally Posted by WTF
Even the suicidal are part of this world, whether you believe only in the "here and now" or also believe in "life" beyond this one, our physical.

I'm not sure why you happen to pop up to add to comments on threads here, regardless of the tone of the threads. You fascinate me and entertain me as just when I think a thread is light hearted, kind, soft, serious, sensitive. real, etc... (add kind-hearted-CareBear adjectives here) you attempt to toss in bad vibes.

Again, you fascinate me but you don't anger me. Just wondering what's up with your pattern after all these years. Most people spout anger toward your direction, but I'm wondering if maybe you just need a hug.

I'm almost certain you will post a mean spirited response here. I'm sorry about that. Not everybody sucks. You need to meet the non-sucky people and I hope you will some day. There are some really good ones out there!
atlcomedy's Avatar
but I'm wondering if maybe you just need a hug.
Originally Posted by LynetteMarie
I think he'd prefer a "tug"