providers in Harlingen?

Shogun's Avatar
out-of-towner here visiting Harlingen/SanBenito area for holiday, returning Sunday. Not really looking to travel to McAllen area. Hoping fo find some good nookie here in Hgn!
Shogun's Avatar
damn! You Harlingen guys apparently have it rough! Ya'll need to move to Houston. You can't go two feet without tripping over a legit Eccie provider!

Well, sometimes it's all in the hunt. Texted with a couple of ladies, but they're miles away from Harlingen this weekend Maybe next trip down here.

Take care, peeps, ay los watcho
Yeah, us Harlingen/Brownsville folk got it rough. The most reliable thing is mocospace, but that place is pretty much a last resort if you really need to nut.

Can't wait till I move to Los Angeles next year. So many providers, so little time.
Shogun's Avatar
Well, wasn't a total loss, but the payoff may be tomorrow or may be a coupla months from now on my next trip down. More on that after the next two sentences. Contacted what I believe is a popular well-known RGV provider, but she was in McAllen. Tried another one stationed in Hgn, but she was on vacay with the family down on SPI. Fuck it. Went to a sports bar in San Benito, just cause I frickin' had nothing else to do. Other than drown my sorrows.

Well, ran into an old high school friend of mine. Hadn't seen her in YEARS!. She was part of the little gang that we all used to ditch school ever once in a while.

A civilian, but we'd never done anything back in the day (I had my then-GF riding with our pack back then) Long-lost friend was a bit cautious, asked/confirmed that I'm with my definitely SO, so she didn't jump thru hoops for me.

We both sensed something as I was giving her a ride back home. Her parting words were twofold: when are you going back and now you know where I live. She took pains to point out that the duplex next door was vacant, and which specific door was hers.

Even if I get to tap that, I'm not going to post a review, etc. Some things just naturally have to stay private.

Orale gueyes, ay nos vemos.
Hey Shogun! Sorry I wasn't able to make it to Harlingen this weekend. My plans didn't allow me to go that way. Maybe next time. I am long overdue for a trip down south and it could happen really soon. Harlingen is my home away from home and I love it there.

Shogun's Avatar
thanks, Maj, appreciate the sentiments!
Shogun's Avatar

glad to hear somebody agrees, but I did after all get to meet up with a Harlingen provider after all. So if you were just bustin' my balls, I don't blame ya! Seriously, though, it seems like quality poon, like most of what we find here on ECCIE, is rare and exists in very low quantity in the lower RGV.

So, yeah, I did get to turn the blue balls into a more relaxed hue, but I suppose that info belongs in Independent Reviews.

Laters, man.
Any info you can give to us Harlingen guys is always much appreciated.

Glad you got some action, look forward to a review.
rgvrock956's Avatar
Can't seem to find anything from Brownsville to Harlingen.... Not even moco