Happy Thanksgiving to all of the wonderful contributors to Another Realm and also, to you wonderfully expressive folks who are willing to take sensual chances!!!

ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
The members who have contributed to this forum, and the readers who might not feel comfortable posting in these 'here parts (yet!), I wish to extend the best of holiday wishes.

May your Turkey be trussed up and you are able to indulge in whatever your heart desires.

Thank you for making this forum, Another Realm, what it is.

Which in my humble opinion, is one of the best (if not THE best!) forums on Eccie!

My sincere thanks and blessings!

DallasRain's Avatar
I love my eccie friends!

I agree with you DallasRain! I have met some of the nicest, kindest, most carIng and helpful ladies and they are affiliated with ECCIE and another similar site. Where do you go to find the "really nice girls" ? Some may say you will find them sitting in a pew in church. Some may say join a club or organization. Our secret is that some of most most engaging and smart and intelligent and thoughtful and caring and decent and kind ladiies are right here on ECCIE!!! I could go on with more adjectives but I think you get the idea. Haha!
And Elisabeth ... Thank you for your thoughtful comments to all of us on this Thanksgiving day. You, too, are a very special person! Wishing everyone a relaxed day of reflection about those memories that are truly meaningful to them. Personally I am grateful and ever so thankful for my memories of the wonderfully nice ladies I have met this year that visit and make comments on ECCIE.
Mokoa's Avatar
  • Mokoa
  • 11-22-2012, 04:02 PM
This is a great forum! Keep it up!

Happy Thanksgiving!

luvbigtits99's Avatar
Well said Elisabeth and everyone one else....
I'm relatively new in exploring fetish and kink and everyone here has been great. The quality of people here has been simply above and beyond anything one could hope for.
So you could say all of you make my thankful list this year!!!!!

Thanks everyone u r great
I had a great Thanksgiving! I hope everyone elses went the way they wanted it to. Even it took a left turn in Alburquerque! LOL!!!!!!!!
DallasRain's Avatar
I had a great day....had lunch at a chinese buffet in BFE Missouri...then chilled in a hotel with my sweet SO!
{It was actually our "anniversary".......We both lost our virginity to each other on thanksgiving day 32 years ago in a cemetary called Pilgrims Rest!} We always celebrate it!}
I agree with you DallasRain! I have met some of the nicest, kindest, most carIng and helpful ladies and they are affiliated with ECCIE and another similar site. Where do you go to find the "really nice girls" ? Some may say you will find them sitting in a pew in church. Some may say join a club or organization. Our secret is that some of most most engaging and smart and intelligent and thoughtful and caring and decent and kind ladiies are right here on ECCIE!!! I could go on with more adjectives but I think you get the idea. Haha!
And Elisabeth ... Thank you for your thoughtful comments to all of us on this Thanksgiving day. You, too, are a very special person! Wishing everyone a relaxed day of reflection about those memories that are truly meaningful to them. Personally I am grateful and ever so thankful for my memories of the wonderfully nice ladies I have met this year that visit and make comments on ECCIE. Originally Posted by Relaxer
I couldn't agree more with all the above comments.