German lawyer supposed to be smothered to death by "38 DD" breasts

'Treasure, I wanted to make your death as pleasurable as possible': German lawyer claims 38DD girlfriend tried to smother him to death with her breasts
German woman is accused of 'attempted manslaughter with a weapon' after her boyfriend claimed she tried to smother him with her breasts
Boyfriend claims she admitted to the crime, telling him, 'Treasure, I wanted your death to be as pleasurable as possible'

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There was an American guy who got his neck hurt badly by a stripper I think called Treasure Chest or something and he tried to sue her. Not sure if he got the money but he was definitely in a neck brace. There are worse ways to hurt your neck though :P
Have they secured the weapon(s)?? Have the checked for fingerprints?? DNA?? Can we view the evidence??
Have they secured the weapon(s)?? Have the checked for fingerprints?? DNA?? Can we view the evidence?? Originally Posted by Ed Highlight

You mean nipple prints or cleavage bruising