Tacky Pickup Lines

When You Are Ready's Avatar
I saw this one the other. I don't think it would work. LOL

He said, "I love every one in your body ....... Especially MINE."
coast_encounter's Avatar
I saw this one on Hall Pass. Classic

I got turned down from EHarmony.

One of the questions was "What do you like most in a woman?"

I answered, "My dick."
Here is one I fell for...... "let me steal you away and spoil you". After 10 years, I was still waiting to for SPOIL part to kick in! Oy vey!
"How do you like your eggs? Scrambled, poached, or fertilized?"
"What has 148 teeth and holds back the hulk? My zipper."
"I shit in my pants, can I get into yours?"
I saw a video of a guy walking up to random girls and dropping gems like these... Ill have to try to find it.