How do you tell pimp tattoos from regular tats?

Longermonger's Avatar
From what I've read, some "managers" force their girls to get tattoos. That brands them as the property of a certain "manager".

Well that sucks. Not cool.

I'd like to be able to figure out which tattoos are the bad ones so we can all avoid them. First, this keeps you guys safer. Secondly, it might stop the practice if those tattoos cut into the bottom line.

Sound good?

How do we know a cursive script neck or wrist tattoo of a man's name isn't just her boyfriend's name?

Am I right about the neck and wrists or are their other places on the body?
Cheaper2buyit's Avatar
longer have a drink its not true trust me don't ask I want tell but its not true. just leave when they say they have to call to clock in its faster lol
Longermonger's Avatar
Cheaper2buyit's Avatar
longer it makes a pattern they call it the reco act. ask dirty for a link.
Longermonger's Avatar
Are you saying that a "manager" that makes his girls get tats is organized crime, or are you talking about gang tattoos?
Cheaper2buyit's Avatar