War Tax-Sacrifice

Since 9/11 we have essentially been at war on at least 2 fronts. Cost estimates range in the Trillions and aren't done yet.

Realistically except for those that serve and their families no one has been asked to sacrifice as was done in the past.

If we support our troops our country and our way of life then we should pay as you go on these "wars."

I recommend a surtax be levied to apply to the costs of these wars and to assist in the National Debt.

I would willingly pay on Afghanistan and while not a supporter of the Iraq mistake, due to the blood and treasure spent we need to pay for it.
I'm just a little curious why only the war effort has been called out for 'pay as you go'.

A few months ago, Jim Bunning was excoriated for suggesting that we have a funding mechanism for extending jobless benefits, before passing it.

I'm all for 'pay as you go' for all government spending...but fixating on just the war effort? Nope.

BTW, I'm scared as hell because our debt:GNP ratio is so high...but when I look at it, it has been higher...during WW2...so we do have a history of borrowing for war efforts. If we have to borrow money for anything, war should be that anything. I would suggest that we earmark surcharges for, and specifically target other less necessary programs.
The Vietnam War had a surtax to pay for it. I think Lyndom Johnson initiated it and was extended by Richard Nixon so not a new concept.

Better than an off the books accounting during previous administration.

What other things would you tax in addition to War?
nsafun05's Avatar

Better than an off the books accounting during previous administration.
Originally Posted by catnipdipper
Every administration has had off the books accounting, not just the previous one. If your goal is to make sure we have enough money to fund these wars, then I'd suggest defunding the 2/3 of our federal budget that is untouchable due to the fact that it is funding social welfare. Otherwise I'd just dismiss this post as another assault on a guy who is not longer in office and who couldn't stop the wars now even if he wanted to.

But maybe the guy who is in office can do what he pledged to do.....naw, that just isn't realistic.
john_galt's Avatar
Catnipper, Vietnam was the reason Johnson and Congress raided the Social Security Trust fund. It was combined with the general tax fund for the first time to give the appearance that the war was not costing so much.

We need a military and everyone should be contributing whether you agree with THIS war or not. You are contributing to the well fare and safety of our soldier, sailors, and airmen. I suggest that an amendment be ratified that links responsibility and rights with service. Two paths; you cannot run for office unless you've served or you cannot vote unless you've served. Service does not always mean the military. You duty could be on the border watching if you are wheel chair bound or have some other disability.
Cheaper2buyit's Avatar
john some body else will have add links but turkey is some what like what your saying.
john_galt's Avatar
Actually the idea comes from the Science fiction writer Robert Heinlein and his Starship Troopers. David Gerrold (?) took the idea further in his trilogy "A matter for men". Read these and you will have a much more complete idea about what I'm proposing and be entertained at the same time.

What other things would you tax in addition to War? Originally Posted by catnipdipper
I didn't suggest taxing the war...but I'm not against earmarking taxes. Itemize the whole thing on everybody's paycheck withholdings. Let everybody see how much they get to spend each month on debt service, the war, nematoad research, etc. Itemize the whole damn thing...so people can get a real accounting of where their money goes.

Personally, I think mandatory withholding is immoral, and people should just get a bill in April...so they can write a big fat check. Makes the tax liability seem more 'real'. But the next best thing would be an itemized list. I think you would find the $$$$ for the war would only be a very small piece of the pie.
JRLawrence's Avatar

The idea goes back much further; read Plato's "Republic".
Bartman1963's Avatar
Really? From paying extra taxes to fund the war effort all the way to Starship Troopers? OMAHAN! LOL
john_galt's Avatar
I won't laugh. Call Dr. Brecke of Park University and he will tell you that many political philosophers put their ideas into fiction to reach the masses.

I could have used Plato's Republic but some would have said that I was acting elite.